Watching the meet there were some great performances but this thread is for what surprised you the most -both positive and negative.
I knew Nick Willis and Matt Centrowitz were ready to run fast, same thing with Shannon Rowbury.
As for positive surprises on the men's side, Hassan Mead has been running well this indoor season and last year outdoors but nearly winning the 3k was the biggest surprise for me. In my head I've always had him in that next category of runners and now I'm putting him in the top category of US runners.
Positive performance on the women's side has to be Shelby Houlihan. Not only did she run a huge 5k pr (15:06, previous best 15:49) but she had to PR at 3k en route (9:03 previous 3k pr).
Negative surprise on the women's side was Jordan Hasay getting lapped. I forgot she was in the race and when they came around I was startled to see it was her.
Laura Thweatt got lapped as well and I couldn't help but think she would have been contending for an Olympic Marathon team spot last week.
And did anyone else see Ashton Eaton in the infield cheering for Mead on the last lap? I did a double take when i saw it on replay. A positive surprise.
Let's hear it.