Hasay has the slowest PR of the field in the 5000m by 16 seconds. She should not even be in this field.
Hasay has the slowest PR of the field in the 5000m by 16 seconds. She should not even be in this field.
she will set a personal best.
she will set a personal best.[/quote]
ridiculous wrote:
she will set a personal best.
SO? a personal best means the person does better than they have ever done before, so it is a big deal for anybody, wether they are a beginner (where personal best's come frequently) to a superstar (even the biggest star in the sport, usain bolt is happy when he sets a new personal).
good luck to her. i hope she runs 15:05-15:10 this year to put herself in position to go sub 15 in the next year or 2.
somebody will be the slowest person in every race. so what
will she get lapped again or just DFL again?
Wow. A lot of unbelievable unnecessary rudeness in this thread. I guess that's typical of LR when it comes to Hasay. If ANYONE else had these credentials, especially at age 22, the boards would be excited to see them run in a DL race:
3 x top 10 at cross (3, 2, 3)
2 x indoor NCAA champion (mile, 3000m)
2 x 3rd at NCAA outdoor 5000m
2 x 2nd at USA championships (2013, 2014)
1500m - 4:07.70
3000m - 8:46.89
5000m - 15:28.26
10000m - 31:39.67
Looks like that 5000m PR has its days numbered. Good luck to Jordan.
noway wrote:
Hasay has the slowest PR of the field in the 5000m by 16 seconds. She should not even be in this field.
Why does this get up your *ss so much? Calm down.
There are no less than FIFTEEN American women that have run 5000 meters faster than Hasay THIS YEAR. I believe 3 of them are in Monaco meet. What about the other 12?
Why make a big deal about an also-ran? For sure, if she was living in Kenya rather than Oregon with that PB, she would not be getting into that meet.
Hasay runs a 15:04. This gal is steady, stupid,(meaning consistently steady times) and has a "personal" attitude against competitors. Watch Jordan run. Watch her run.
douglas burke wrote:
a personal best means the person does better than they have ever done before, so it is a big deal for anybody, wether they are a beginner (where personal best's come frequently) to a superstar (even the biggest star in the sport, usain bolt is happy when he sets a new personal).
Wow! I come here every day waiting to learn something new and profound about the sport of running, and sometimes, as in this case, someone even delivers.
While I have your attention, answer me this: When some runner does what I've heard called "setting a world record," does this mean running a time that no one else has beaten before? So confusing!
tophat wrote:
will she get lapped again or just DFL again?
Taking a vote here:
___PR and lapped
___PR and DFL
___No PR and lapped
___No PR and DFL
___Tested and positive
___Tested and negative
___Tested and positive, but covered up ala centro
I'm rooting for Hasay to maintain her streak of setting PR's.
coach d wrote:
There are no less than FIFTEEN American women that have run 5000 meters faster than Hasay THIS YEAR. I believe 3 of them are in Monaco meet. What about the other 12?
Molly HUDDLE 14:55.90
Shannon ROWBURY 15:01.71
Katie MACKEY 15:04.74
Laura THWEATT 15:04.98
Kim CONLEY 15:08.61
Aisling CUFFE 15:11.13 Fall NCAA XC Prep
Marielle HALL 15:12.79
Jessica TEBO 15:18.17
Alisha WILLIAMS 15:19.79 Fall Marathon Prep
Kellyn JOHNSON 15:21.93
Amy VAN ALSTINE 15:22.98
Rochelle KANUHO 15:25.85
Amy HASTINGS 15:25.94
Erin FINN 15:26.08 Fall NCAA XC Prep
Alexi PAPPAS 15:28.38 USARC Season
Jordan HASAY 15:28.56
http://www.iaaf.org/records/toplists/middlelong/5000-metres/outdoor/women/senior/2014Erin Finn FRESHMAN has a faster 5000m time than Hasay...
coach d wrote:
There are no less than FIFTEEN American women that have run 5000 meters faster than Hasay THIS YEAR. I believe 3 of them are in Monaco meet. What about the other 12?
Why make a big deal about an also-ran? For sure, if she was living in Kenya rather than Oregon with that PB, she would not be getting into that meet.
Its easy , she is well liked on the circuit and is known to the prince who bankrolls this meet. Also -ran ? I guess you don't follow women's track and field much.
I would love to see Marielle Hall could run in a DL 5000m
Nobody should be allowed into a DL meet who has not run, at some time since January of the previous year,800: MR + 61500: MR + 105000: MR + 60Any athlete who has met these standards should have the right to bump out anyone on the start list who hasn't. Meet organizers can stack the field with their personal favorites but the standards should have this veto power. If they refuse they should be kicked out of DL.There is no women's MR for the 5000 but if Hasay wanted to run the 1500, absolutely someone who has run 4:06 or better should have the right to tell her to get in line. Current DL rules don't give anyone automatic entry, and offer only this "recommendation"
3.4b. Where applicable, the Meeting Director should allow at least one starting place in each event for national Athletes, one for the Diamond Race winner of the previous season and places for athletes leading the Diamond Race tables.
Directors are free to interpret this as meaning last year's winner, this year's top two and one schmuck from their own country, and then whoever. They're free to ignore it entirely too. Even giving the big Q to the points leaders isn't particularly fair, because it makes it harder for everyone else to catch up with them. What kind of "league" is that?
End of anti-DL rant.
I think it's great that she's setting PRs and making progress, but she will probably not be close to being competitive in this field. Is the point to give her more international racing experience?
planning wrote:
coach d wrote:There are no less than FIFTEEN American women that have run 5000 meters faster than Hasay THIS YEAR. I believe 3 of them are in Monaco meet. What about the other 12?
Molly HUDDLE 14:55.90
Shannon ROWBURY 15:01.71
Katie MACKEY 15:04.74
Laura THWEATT 15:04.98
Kim CONLEY 15:08.61
Aisling CUFFE 15:11.13 Fall NCAA XC Prep
Marielle HALL 15:12.79
Jessica TEBO 15:18.17
Alisha WILLIAMS 15:19.79 Fall Marathon Prep
Kellyn JOHNSON 15:21.93
Amy VAN ALSTINE 15:22.98
Rochelle KANUHO 15:25.85
Amy HASTINGS 15:25.94
Erin FINN 15:26.08 Fall NCAA XC Prep
Alexi PAPPAS 15:28.38 USARC Season
Jordan HASAY 15:28.56
To say that the girls who are still in the NCAA were doing Prep work for the XC season is just plain wrong. You present a valid argument, don't tarnish it by putting something stupid like this in there.