Conner Mantz going pro? Maybe start a separate thread about your rabid hate for mormons? Conner Mantz going pro? Maybe start a separate thread about your rabid hate for mormons?
Hey look! It’s the notorious liar he’s a grandpa back with more of his “facts” and bigotry. You must lead quite a sad life if this is how you spend your time.
What evidence is there to suggest that Mormons engage in rates of criminality different than the general population? Sweeping stereotypes are foolish.
Gary Gilmore was from a Mormon family, but was not a practicing Mormon by any means. His tenuous connection to the Mormon culture was documented in Norman Mailer's Executioners Song, perhaps one of the best crime books ever written. Gilmore hardly can be a source for any conclusions over Mormons. Suffice to say Gilmore was mentally troubled guy. He ascribed his mental issues to medication he was given in prison. Just a fascinating but gruesome story.
I find it alarmingly accurate the statement that only on Lets Run could someone find fault with being a NCAA XC champion and a mechanical engineer. This brings the level of insecurity to an all time high.
rogermortimer wrote:
What evidence is there to suggest that Mormons engage in rates of criminality different than the general population? Sweeping stereotypes are foolish.
Gary Gilmore was from a Mormon family, but was not a practicing Mormon by any means. His tenuous connection to the Mormon culture was documented in Norman Mailer's Executioners Song, perhaps one of the best crime books ever written. Gilmore hardly can be a source for any conclusions over Mormons. Suffice to say Gilmore was mentally troubled guy. He ascribed his mental issues to medication he was given in prison. Just a fascinating but gruesome story.
I find it alarmingly accurate the statement that only on Lets Run could someone find fault with being a NCAA XC champion and a mechanical engineer. This brings the level of insecurity to an all time high.
+1. Yes there are Mormons who are criminals just as there are (pseudo) vegans who eat big Macs in secret but these are rare occurrences obviously. Most Mormons are very upstanding members of the community, Family oriented: and loyal to their faith and very accepting of other faiths. Very different from another faith whose members often state “accept the Lord into your life lest you die without the Lord and then live eternally on a slow burning fire in hell. “ mormons would never entertain or say such a thing.
I hear he has a tempting sponsorship offer from Fruit of the Loom.
its me again wrote:
Hey look! It’s the notorious liar he’s a grandpa back with more of his “facts” and bigotry. You must lead quite a sad life if this is how you spend your time.
You are shooting the messenger when you should be focusing on the root of the evil, that is unless you only believe "alternative" facts. The real facts are that Mantz should hurry up and finally graduate before he becomes a grandpa for real, the byu engineering school is not highly regarded, the rate of criminal fraud in Utah is higher than anywhere else in the world and the rate of criminal drug abuse in Utah is higher than anywhere else in the US. Those are the facts and anyone who is honest and intelligent knows this. Everyone else is either delusional or is an unrepentant liar.
You shouldn't blame me for your societies' shortcomings. But if you have some desperate and pathetic need to feel better about yourself, then I will certainly not blame you for lashing out. Perhaps you should phone the Utah State Attorney General, a mormon, and tell him how much you are aggrieved that he keeps talking about the astronomical rate of criminality in Utah. You should boycott all the university rating services for putting byu below Harvard. You should berate the county clerk who mistakenly listed Mantz's correct birthdate.
New Spokesman Wanted wrote:
I hear he has a tempting sponsorship offer from Fruit of the Loom.
Now this is comedy.
runnER/DR wrote: Conner Mantz going pro? Maybe start a separate thread about your rabid hate for mormons?
Yes. Or maybe he'll go into MLM. Unclear from the thread.
Getting back on topic -- he should go pro. BYU had their shot to repeat and were out-classed. They'll be out-classed again next year, and it won't matter if Mantz wins by 5 minutes because he can't score less than 1. If I'm him, I want to rack up some marathon experience before the next Trials.
You’ve literally made up crap in this very thread with your bogus BYU ranking “stats” and you were called out for it. You then stated that “Mormons are most likely to be felons” but have yet to post a single thing to support this statement. You also seem to be implying that every person in a Utah jail is a Mormon, that every prescription drug issue in Utah is done by Mormons, and that every Ponzi scheme is conducted by a Mormon. You clearly don’t understand the demographics of Utah but are hell bent on doing anything you can to denigrate Mormons. You are liar plain and simple. Get over yourself!
I consider myself honest and kind of intelligent. And grampa, I don't agree with your perspective. Unlike you, I have graduated with high honors undergrad and grad, from two top 10 USNWR ranked schools. While I believe I received a sound education at both schools, I was not all that impressed by the schools. Like most anywhere else, a large part of success was in simply showing up and doing the work, although I concede I came across true brilliance on occasion. (to clarify, clearly not me). My daughters both graduated from the so-called top of the Ivy League, and while they were certainly fine students, they didn't study from textbooks any different than those used at flagship state schools. The most significant thing about these schools was paying for them, which didn't make much sense but fathers do what they have to do. In my experience, being competent and being a doer (I have hired quite a bit) matters above all else. I highly doubt anyone would question Mantz as not fitting in those categories. And despite your grandstanding on the being factual and honest and intelligent., credentialism causes its own set of problems, blighting the chances of a high performance environment to flourish.
moist wrote:
Ghost1 wrote:
+1 just as you can probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of Mormons imprisoned in US penitentiaries. Very rare. Yes they are human and they may fail at times but in general they live to a higher order.
This has to be satire. Right? Right?? I'm pretty sure the Utah state penitentiary is full of Mormons.
Mormons are like anyone else. Sometimes religion even drives them a little crazy, and they do heinous things in the name of God. (e.g. serial killers Chad & Lori Daybell, serial rapist Warren Jeffs, etc. etc. etc.). Sometimes you get guys inspired by Joseph Smith who go the con artist route (e.g. Mark Hoffman).
Warren Jeffs was not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was a member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They are completely seperate organizations.
blamb61 wrote:Warren Jeffs was not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was a member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They are completely seperate organizations.
They are separate organizations however wouldn't you say that Warren Jeffs Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints has more in common with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints than say, the Catholic Church or a Methodist Church?
The Fundamentalist group broke off from the mainstream LDS Church many years ago. They are quite different from the mainstream LDS Church but there are a few similarities.
blamb61 wrote:
Warren Jeffs was not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. He was a member of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. They are completely seperate organizations.
You're right. He was just practicing the Mormon beliefs of the 1800s. Tooooottttttaaaaaaalllllllyyyy different, right?
silivalley wrote:
It is foolish to think that a lowly regarded engineering school produces graduates with the same level of ability as a top 20 or even top 50 engineering program. The students, faculty, facilities and curriculum aren't even close to being equivalent. I've been a professional engineer for over 30 years and have never worked with or even to my knowledge met a BYU trained engineer.
Over those years I must have worked with thousands of engineers and plenty of them were from mighty obscure programs. Before this thread, I didn't realize that BYU had an engineering school,
As for Mantz, I don't know his academic abilities, but apparently he has already been at residence in the BYU program for five years and and still has two years until he leaves. He either only takes one, at most two, significant courses per semester or he'll end up with an absurd number of credits. He's had enough time to be well into a PhD course.
I've got 30+ years in as an engineer (manager of about 85 engineers right now) and am a BYU (BSME)and UCSB (MSECE) grad. I employ serveral BYU grads and we do just fine. I think you may be a troll or just igorant, one of the two. Mantz wan't in school while on a mission so he has not been in school as long as you state.
Would love to see Nico Young and Connor Mantz both go pro and join the ON team. Mantz and Young both remind me of Ritz in the way they run. Perfect Coach for them both.