It could be so many different things it is truly not worth speculating. As someone who is very suspicious of salazar's group (I assume they are like lance before he was caught), I would bet this is not PED related, seriously. It just doesn't fit the picture.
That said, having an abnormally high hematocrit (red cells in your blood as a percentage of volume) can essentially block blood flow to vital organs responsible for being upright and conscious. If this happens in the heart it is known as a heart attack (or myocardial infarction). If this happens in the brain it is called an ichemic (meaning no blood) stroke. PEDS causing this are many. EPO, blood doping, procrit, lasix (secondary to relative dehydration), steroids are also well known to do this. These diseases are far more commonly caused by smoking, diabetes, age, etc.
Similarly, abnormal electrical firing of the nerves could cause this. In the brain, this is typically manifested seizure, extremely unlikely here. In the heart, this is an arrythmia (or atypical heart rhythm). PEDS here would be any diuretics (lasix, etc), any type of stimulant (cocaine, meth, adderall+ritalin, too much caffeine, epinephrine (aka adrenaline), thyroid hormone, much less likely asthma meds or anticholinergics). Much more likely this is due to dehydration, preexisting heart disease or childhood seizure disorders. Someone mentioned hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, I would bet Salazar's guys have heart Echos and maybe EKGs routinely and this would have been caught much earlier if he had it.
There are many many more possibilities here, most of them would be very unlikely to allow a runner to collapse but then run the rest of the race and get second place.
I would call this a syncopal episode, sounds like vasovagal/dehydration. WIki does a good job with the bare bones of the syncope causes, at least better than me.