i need the same answers as you about girls.any reponses please?
i need the same answers as you about girls.any reponses please?
Yep, I had the same experience only more frustrating.
I first began suffering from what I now belief to be a gilmore's or sports hernia 3 years ago. It started with an intensely sharp pain on the left hand side of my lower abdomin and extended to my ball. After a few minutes it subsided and just felt tender. Six months later it started again only this time when the sharpness subsided it left a residual dull constant pain which increased when I walk fast or moved suddenly. My left ball was tender, hanging with an uncomfortably heaviness. I took 3 months of work seeing my doctor to see if it could be sorted quickly. Quickly diagnosed a hernia as cause sent me for scan (waited 2 months, NHS in ENgland is shit) and the results were negative. No hernia. Later diagnosed as having inflammation of the leg caused by infection, even though I had no history of stds (I checked immediately) given anti-biotics and told to go home.
No thought was given to Gilmore's hernia, which is a tear in the adductor muscles which includes tendon torn of the pubic bone. No questions were asked regarding this, which is, by all accounts a widely experienced injury and has has been known of medically since 1980. If they had followed up on Gilmore and asked the right questions I would'nt be here now, 3 f***ing years later, taking 3 more f***ing months of work, because of the same f***ing misdiagnosed problem. Medical ignorance is basically negligence - its unacceptable that practitioners don't know their f***ing arse from their elbow when it comes to sportman's hernia. It's a joke. I can't even have a wank with having to give up half way in case I rupture myself completely...Bad even I have to sat about all day...Wankers!
I had the same symptoms and i'm back to running pain free. It started with pain running down my right inside thigh. I had this for a year and a half and kept running. Then my left side got it. When I would sqeeze my legs together it would hurt. After a while my abdomin started hurting. When I would sneeze, cough laugh it would hurt. I finally succumbed, took 11 weeks off. I had an MRI and it showed a sacral ala stress fracture and an edema in my pubis symphisis. It started feeling better and I went back to running slowly but every time my abdomin and groin would still ache. Then I tried a shoe with a lower arch and have been running for weeks pain free. The day I changed shoes things got better instantly. Think what you want but isn't a new pair of shoes worth a try before surgery? I believe to this day that the shoes with the high arch were litterally slowly splitting me up the middle one stride at a time. This may or may not be the case for any of you but that is what happened to me. I thought the same as you folks. Sports hernia, Gimores groin, etc.
I had the same symptoms. Pain don the inside of my right thigh. Ran on it for a year and a half. Then the left side. Then mt abdominals would hurt when I sneezed, coughed, laughed. I had an MRI and it showed a Sacral Ala stress fracture and an edema of my pubis symphisis. I took 11 weeks off and did the elliptical. It started feeling better so I gave running a shot but would still have pain when I ran. I tried a different shoe with a low arch and the pain stopped. Think what want but I firmly believe that the shoes were contributing greatly to the injuries.
Ooops that was me twice. I didn't think it took the first time.
I think Goucher had this problem. He had to get surgery. It was the major cause of his problems. It sounds embarrasing to explain to a doc but i'd get it checked for running's sake.
Hello I am a pro soccer player. I got this injury 3 years ago in Russia. needed to take off for several months. Got back to playing. played two seasons but with soreness after games and pain during long passes and shots. HOwever it got bad again, and again did consrevative treatment and was back to 85 -90 %. then two months ago it started bothering me again. So i am thinking about Dr cattey, and Williams. Why didn't it work with Cattey?
wow. i thought i was alone. i am gonna call this doc in drexel..i think i got this.. same history as you bro... same exact signs, negative MRIs, negative CT scan.. awful.. stopping me from going to Police academy.. sucks.
I have just had surgeryon my 'sports hernia' after seeing 4 surgeons - excuse me being turned away from and them not even listening to me or looking at the pages of info I had. I went threw the worst 7 months of my life. the pain - agonizing to say the least. I found a Dr. willing to listen and do the surgery and it went well so far. I just had it on may 16th and I feel better already. I am a mother of 2 newly married and not a pro HOCKEY player worth 30,000 dollars which would of made me important. This kept me bed ridden for 7 months, I lost my job because my disability ran out, for a while I gave up but then I just wouldn't give up till someone helped me and they did.
I went to an osteopath DO who helped me with pain management and who diagnosed me with this and stayed by my side and even talked the surgeons personally until we had luck. I had to go out of my area where I lived because here if they cant see it it isnt there and these don't show up on 98% of tests. email me personally and I can better try to help. I wish I had help but now maybe I can help others. Emily
I see this message is from December. If you are still seeking help email me and I can hopefully help. I just had my surgery on monday for my sports hernia and it was a long down hill battle with pain and being turned away from surgeons till I finally found one willing to listen and cared.
Hello, I have a strange injury, which I now think is "gilmore groin" or sportsman's hernia. My inner quad has been sketchy but not exactly injured for around five months. I was running 30-40 miles per week after years of not running. I started to develop shin splints which made me run funny and my inner quad started to hurt a lot more. I do jujitsu (which is like judo) and a few months ago, I was thrown hard (I landed correctly, so it should not have hurt at all) but I suddenly felt a dehabilitating pain in my inner quad, and could not even stand for around 20 minutes. I then limped around for two-three weeks. This was about six weeks ago, and now I can run, etc, but there is nagging unilateral (right side) pain in my lower abs/groin. The pain seems to have travelled from the inner quad to higher up on the pubic area. It hurts mostly if I sneeze or try to do pull-ups. All the medical sites suggest surgery, but after reading here, I am not so sure: so my question is does anyone know any self-care/alternative modalities to try and treat this before going under the knife?
Check "let's run" site under...
Really interesting to read comments...
I suffered with a pain in my right groin while playing football some 8/10 years ago. It hurt when I began to play, eased off during the match but was then tight and sore over the next 48 hours.
Stopped playing 3/4 years ago and increased my running. Strange thing was it did not give me too much trouble but if I stopped for a few days through injury/cold, the groin would flare up when I started running again, a reaction to lack of use.
In January 2004, I was training for the London Marathon and did not have any significant groin trouble. During my training, my left hamstring began to feel sore and after the marathon I had some treatment. My right foot began to feel painful when running on top and underneath and then suddenly my groin flared up and has not got better since. The left hamstring is much better and the foot only occasionally becomes sore, am assuming all is linked to groin injury.
The pain in the groin can be mild or so sore it causes me to limp, the abductor is very stiff and tight, pain runs right round the crease at the top of the groin from front to back and under the testicles.
I have been booked in for a digital MRI scan and can only hope something is found!
So far I have seen a physiotherapist, an orthopaedic physician, 2 orthopaedic specialists, a chiropracter had x-rays, MRI scan and a herniagram......
i have had left groin pain for over a year already....every sharp inward movement with my leg kills me.....my adductor attachment on my pubic bone gets very tender....every herky jerky movement kills it....help
Hi, I was diagnosed with a sports hernia last year and after the operation went back to football after 3 months but now the pain has came back again and was wondering if you could give me any details on this Dr McLelland, i stay in Glasgow.
i had this injury also and all i can say is that i recommend dr. myers from drexel u. very highly. he did the surgery on me and i am 100 free of pain.
dude, get cut and then you can join my track club, it's exclusively for those who have suffered such hernias, CrotchMesh Athletics. You don't have to be particularly fast, you just gotta have been cut.
I'm not bullshitting either, we're becoming a force to reckon with in the Southwest racing circuit
I've suffered with this the past year. Many of the same symptoms as a lot of you including it hurts when I sneeze. I don't feel it when I cough though. Sleeping was tough as I would often wake up in agony.
Anyways, a buddy of mine showed me a different groin that has totally helped. I still have some pain but it's no where near as bad and it usually gets worse when I haven't done the stretch for a while. It might be worth while for some of you to try.
Bascially it's like your normal standing groin stretch where your legs are spread further than shoulder width apart and you lean towards one side by bending that knee. Now, turn your foot on the bent leg so that it is facing the same direction as the foot on the leg that is not bent. (Does this make sense so far, not easy to explain!)
Then bring the rear leg knee close to the ground and really work the stretch. It will probably hurt the first few times you do it but I swear this helped me. I was doing it after every couple of runs for a few weeks but have found I don't need it as much now. You can increase the stretch by forcing the knee not close to the ground outwards. Hope that helps a few of you.
Sorry, the leg that has the bent knee should also have the foot in the OPPOSITE direction from the other foot. So lets pretend you are facing north. One foot also faces north and the faces East (I hope that makes sense).
Is there any kind of injury with extremely similar symptoms to those being described here, but that doesnt require a surgery or an extensive rest period to heal? I'd just hate to have to miss building a base this summer.