I'm not talking about a normal hernia in which intestinal tissue in poking through the abdominal wall, I'm talking about a specific condition that makes your groin/lower abductors sore, which can includes:
-torn external oblique aponeurosis
-torn conjoined tendon
-conjoined tendon torn from pubic tubercle
-dehhiscence between conjoined tendon and inguinal ligament
All the doctors I've seen so far haven't the slightest when I mention that I think that I have a sports hernia. All they hear is the word "hernia," and then tell me to drop my droors and turn my head and cough. Anyways, my groin and lower abs have been sore for the last year for no apearant reason. It hasn't affected my performance too much, but even after a month off, as soon as I started up again, nothing changed. Anyone know of any sports hernia specialists or doctors who have experience with repairing this injury? Names, numbers and or email addresses would be appretiated. By the way, I live in Colorado. Thanks.