Coop seen with A " your move Cole shirt? "
Coop seen with A " your move Cole shirt? "
Staying in the unethical minor constellation of Nike-NOPe-Burrito Track Club.
Big surprise.
But what happens to the cringy New Gen Track and Field?!
Will he give the steeple a go now? The transition worked out well for jager. Both have those long legs for jumping. Let’s face it, he doesn’t have the talent to medal in anything else.
Looks like he is open to changes in his diet. Oh well...
Doper teare ...... but seriously i am truly wondering if hes commited enough to be on a professional team like bowerman where he will probably get crushed in most workouts. Its just a whole new level of running when your training with fisher and ahmed
Barf and several other posters see this like I do - unremarkable. Did anyone NOT predict this, especially once Jerry moved south? This guy's never had a Non-Nike shoe on his feet ever. Is in Eugene. Is obsessed with and obediant to everyone from Uncle Phil on down.
Coop joins OAC. Now that would be news, although not that huge since he wouldn't change shoes (just cut off swooshes here and there).
Coop joins NAZ. THAT would truly be news. Worth putting up at the top of the page just like this was. Threads would cover the Board.
Coop doesn't join Jerry's kids. Even this would be somewhat newsworthy. Everybody's together in Eugene but he snubs those guys.
Coop to BTC. Someone considered this worth mentioning?
He will certainly take some lumps from Fisher and Ahmed. On the roster, you have Marc Scott, Woody Kincaid, Sean McGorty, Evan Jager, Thomas Ratcliffe, Joshua Thompson, Amos Bartlesmeyer, Kieran Tuntivate, and Lopez Lomong. So there are more athletes in around 13:06 shape like Teare than in 12:45-12:50 shape like those two guys. He'll be challenged on the strength workouts I'm sure, but he also probably has the best speed on the team.
Good move for Cooper Teare, good pick up for BTC.
He will be challenged (which I am sure he wants) and he will challenge others on the team (which I am sure they want).
That is the atmosphere he will be in. Hope he does well as fits in well with the no nonsense, nose to the grind stone guys group.
Excellent question. He has clearly living the college life minus the classes since going pro. He will have to bear down and really focus on rest and recovery to handle the massive uptick in workload. He will have to then to the monk lifestyle and travel to altitude, leave his hot gf and the slacker way of life of college and the last few months. Good luck to him. Or maybe BTC needs him for recon on the best trails in Eugene.
Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if Teare was almost at Fisher/Ahmed level by February. He kinda reminds me of 5k oriented Centro. I think if he heals well and can handle the training, he'll run 3:32/12:54 next year.
I get the seduction of training with these fellas like Grant and Mo. Why associate with a known doper in the group you’re joining? Engels bewilderingly did this with NOP, too. He had to field many questions about joining Salazar that he didn’t have any good answers for.
Tibia stress fractures take a long time to heal.
Not very bewildering, if you look at it objectively. Some people will join such doping groups in hopes to improve, other, more ethical people won't.
Listen, I’m a big Teare fan. He ran in the same small school HS conference as my children. I’ve watched him race since he was in 9th grade, but after watching him at xc nats in 2021, I would not exactly label Teare a strength based runner. He’s no Mantz. He’s sort of a tweener, not really having the wheels to be world class in the 1500 and not yet strong enough for the 5000. Maybe this will change, but BTC is a risky move. He already has a tibial stress reaction. I think BTC may just chew him up and spit him out.
So was Obiri.
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Cooper has been a bit unlucky picking events. I believe he could’ve made the Olympic team in the 1500. He was beating Hocker most of the year and could’ve made the final. This year he would’ve placed higher in the 5k, he beat Grijalva (who finished 4th) in the same kind of race at NCAAs. If he gets a lot stronger he has a chance of outkicking Fisher in sub 13 races. I am very high on Teare if Jerry doesn’t injure him.