October 21, 2019

Shalane Flanagan Retires: Is She The US's GOAT (Greatest of All Time)? Plus The 5 Great Moments In Her Career
Flanagan may not have been the greatest track, xc or marathon runner in US history, but if you take all three together - is the she the US women's distance GOAT?
September 13, 2018

Former Marathon World Record Holder Patrick Makau Retires From The Sport
The 2:03:38 man says he's hanging them up after dealing with a persistent patella-tendon injury. He says he plans on staying involved in the sport as a coach.
November 09, 2017

Meb Memories: LetsRun.com's Favorite Moments from The Amazing Career Of Meb Keflezighi
A generation of excellence is what Meb's career was all about.
December 14, 2016

US Olympian Morgan Uceny Announces Her Retirement From The Sport
The three-time US champ and #1 ranked 1500m runner in the world in 2011 will sadly be remembered more for what could have been than what was. In two consecutive global championship 1500m finals (2011 Worlds and the 2012 Olympics), Uceny took a hard fall to the ground with less than a lap to go when she was poised to contend for a medal.
*LRC Archives: Women’s 1,500 Final: Disaster Strikes Twice As Morgan Uceny Gets Tripped Again And A Former Doper Wins Gold
*LRC Morgan Uceny Archives
April 27, 2016

Chris Solinsky Retires And We Rank The Five Best Moments Of His Career - Sub-27:00, A Dominant Foot Locker Title And The Epic 2011 USA 5,000
The 2nd-fastest non-African-born man at both 5,000 and 10,000 has called it a career at age 31.
April 10, 2016
Bobby Mack Makes Victory Lap at Rock ‘n’ Roll Raleigh Marathon & 1/2 Marathon presented by WRAL
*Discuss: Bobby Mack Retires
February 02, 2016

Matt Tegenkamp Has Retired - The Six Greatest Moments In His Career With Some Awesome Old School Video
Tegenkamp called it a career yesterday and his career helped usher American distance running into a new era.
January 22, 2016

What's Jeremy Wariner Doing Working At Jimmy John's? 7 Questions With The Olympic Legend
Earlier this week, Wariner posted online that he was now a general manager at a Jimmy John's sandwich restaurant. We wondered if it could be that one of the greatest 400m sprinters of all time was retiring? We reached out to the 31-year-old Wariner to see what was up.
January 15, 2016

30 Minutes Of Video With Ryan Hall From December: "I'm not going to be someone who hangs on. When I know my body has had enough then (I'll retire). I'll always run and always love the sport."
30 minutes of video with Ryan from December where he talks about his new family and his future. He said, "I'm not going to be someone who hangs on. When I know my body has had enough then (I'll retire). I'll always run and always love the sport."
January 15, 2016

Ryan Hall Has Retired - We Remember The Six Most Glorious Moments Of His Amazing Career
Picking the greatest moments from his amazing career wasn't easy but we've got our six favorites. Ryan, you will be missed.
May 12, 2015

Matthew Maton Goes Sub-4, Bernard Lagat Sets AR And MWR, Haile G Calls It Quits, Emily Sisson Nearly Laps The Field, And Microdose All You Want
What a week it was: Matthew Maton became the 6th high school sub-4, Haile Gebrselassie ended a tremendous career that was 7 years longer than LetsRun.com, Bernard Lagat tied an American record and set a masters world record, 4 state 2-mile records fell in one race, and Emily Sisson nearly lapped the entire Big East.
May 11, 2015

RRW: Halie Gebrselassie Announces Retirement (Again)
"I am retiring from competitive running, not from running. You cannot stop running, this is my life."
May 10, 2015

The Great Haile Gebrselassie Retires
One of the sport's greatest ambassadors has officially retired after being at the top for two decades.
Share Your Thanks Here: Thank you Haile: The Great One Haile Gebrselassie Has Officially Retired