In contention and then he got handed the anvil and crumpled. 1:47.
In contention and then he got handed the anvil and crumpled. 1:47.
Bad Wigins wrote:
In contention and then he got handed the anvil and crumpled. 1:47.
His age is catching up with him. No joke. He's at least 7 years older than what is claimed - so says his agent.
Hell, I would have caught up with him too. He was practically running backwards.
Interesting factoid. No reason his agent would lie on the side of elder, I wouldnt think. If you look at Geb, he seriously looks about 50. Would be crazy if he really was that old, yet still cranking out 2.04 marathons.
Massive crows feet wrote:
Interesting factoid. No reason his agent would lie on the side of elder, I wouldnt think. If you look at Geb, he seriously looks about 50. Would be crazy if he really was that old, yet still cranking out 2.04 marathons.
Everytime there's an age debate thread someone chimes in with this qualifier of the geriatric golden boy Geezer Geb
Laff_O_Lott_Guy wrote:
Everytime there's an age debate thread someone chimes in with this qualifier of the geriatric golden boy Geezer Geb
Or Lagat. Or Kipchoge. et al.
And in 20 years time when Ches is running and beating your golden-boy-of-the-day he'll be yet one more example.
And you guys will immediatelly, like a Pavlovian hound, claim "drugs".
As juniors, all successful Africans are age cheaters, and as professionals, and then Masters, they're on drugs. They're never simply "better". Couldn't be.
his coaching!
Is he really living in Oregon? If so, the heat might have got to him. It's tough to go from 50s-60s to 95 degree heat. Jetlag could have also been a factor.
never judge a great athlete by reference to one early bad race. He may have an adjustment period from the change in coaches and training.
Race temps were closer to 100F with 104F reported in the earlier stages. It most definitely had to do with heat.
Laff_O_Lott_Guy wrote:
Massive crows feet wrote:Interesting factoid. No reason his agent would lie on the side of elder, I wouldnt think. If you look at Geb, he seriously looks about 50. Would be crazy if he really was that old, yet still cranking out 2.04 marathons.
Everytime there's an age debate thread someone chimes in with this qualifier of the geriatric golden boy Geezer Geb
Geb has always looked old. Everyone knows people like this lol. Most aren't runners however. Geb is exceptional. He's likely a couple of years older than what is claimed, but being so diminutive has likely been what's helped him keep going for so long. He also concentrated on longer and longer races, moving away from areas where speed, meaning relative youth, would have him burned. Sort of reminds me of Carlos Lopes who kept moving up and won the OG at 37, then the World XC etc., but of course Geb has taken that game up a notch or three. But old farts like these guys are the true exceptions in running. Then people will bring up Jack Foster - hitting his best marathon at age 41...again, the exceptions.
Aman? Even the king of the PC cowards at TAFNews, GH, admitted a few years ago that Aman's agent said he believed Aman was 24 - this was while Aman was being touted as 17 or so along with other age cheats like Nijel Amos (great runner but according to other agents was 23 or 24 in '12 when it was claimed he was a teen). Most, not all, of the teen wonders from E. Africa are 4 - 6 years older than what is claimed. There have been some legit guys, like Kiprop, but with most it's best to acknowledge their talent along with taking their age claims with a grain of salt.
heat! wrote:
Race temps were closer to 100F with 104F reported in the earlier stages. It most definitely had to do with heat.
He comes from bloody Ethiopia! Heat wouldn't have been a factor for him. Souleiman from equally hot homeland and the heat didn't effect him.
Pretty much everyone else did well despite the heat.
Peer Mediator wrote:
heat! wrote:Race temps were closer to 100F with 104F reported in the earlier stages. It most definitely had to do with heat.
He comes from bloody Ethiopia! Heat wouldn't have been a factor for him. Souleiman from equally hot homeland and the heat didn't effect him.
Ethiopia is like 70's all the time, not 95+. Moreover, he's been training in 50s to 60s. So yeah, it still could've been the heat.
Souleiman is from Djibouti, which is lower in elevation, and therefore hotter.
I think it's funny how you guys mention that his agent says he's older than he is but have absolutely no source on that...don't act like you know his agent personally or something haha. Your claim that he's 7 years older than he's supposed to be means literally nothing without any evidence.
I'm Ethiopian & let's just say Ethiopians look younger that their western counterparts until they hit 30. There is no way Aman was a teenager when he was competing as a junior.