Pampers wrote:
People like tough guys who fight through shit. Not pampered spoiled brats who are given all the opportunities that most people don't. Do you really think rupp would be holding the 10k American record if all the other American runner got the same kind of coaching and equipment and doctors that he's has. Shit give a guy like Ben True all the same opportunities that rupps been given and who knows how good he would be. Just saying. True is a guy I can root for.
Everything you've written is completely asinine.
For years American distance fans have hungered for a contender.
By a mathematical fluke so astronomical it boggles the mind, Rupp's talent falls in to Salazar's hands when Alberto has finally gotten it together coaching wise.
Tons of high schools, every year, have some talented runner from soccer or whatever, sent over to show the track coach what they can do.
And none of them likely have Rupp's talent.
So not only does Rupp FLUKE into Salazar as a coach. He had already won the genetic lottery.
Do you have any idea how much toughness it takes to run your best 10,000 meters ever?
Probably not.
If you truly understood what that takes, the freaking pain in training these guys have to put themselves through -- you'd have respect and awe for ALL of the athletes in that race.
The likelyhood of Salazar finding that talent, at that age, and actually listening to Bob Kennedy's advice, has got to be greater than 300,000,000 to 1.
It's a miracle this talent was found, nurtured, protected.
Enjoy it, and imagine yourself running that tough...
Oh, wait.