She would have won had she not dropped the bottle and cost her precious seconds.
She would have won had she not dropped the bottle and cost her precious seconds.
She lost her bottle.
Nope. She was already struggling at that point and the gap was only lie 3 seconds even after.
Broke her mentally, and she finished only 10s behind. It's not inconceivable she would have stayed with the leading group and kicked to win.
She did really well to keep in it for 3rd. Good job, Dibs!
I think it messed with her when they took off; but I don't think she'd have beat them either way.
She was 15 seconds behind, and Edna and Florence stopped pushing once they realised they'd broken her. But stii it was a very good debut ... She wouldn't have won, though.
It's not just that she lost a few seconds from dropping her bottle, but also that she then closed the gap immediately after fairly quickly (if my memory serves me correctly). Seems like she was back near their slip stream within ~1min... Which is a pretty big surge.
It would have been interesting if she was in striking distance on the final straight to see what she could have done. As it was, being about 15s back, she just packed it in the last 800m.
I think she had a bad patch right there, when she lost the bottle, she seemed to recover later in the race.
But I agree, I still don't think she would have won.
Going back to pick up the bottle was a mistake though.
Maybe struggling made her make the bad decision...
You could he her losing it, and then continuing for a few strides. Then changing her mind and goes back to pick it up.
Bad move.
Wonder what happened to Jeptoo? I had her winning, and she never looked in trouble when the cameras were there.
Gelana dropping early, at what seemed like a pretty normal pace, was weird as well..
Because that's what champions do.
warrior_the_real_one_1 wrote:
Because that's what champions do.
The Rotterdam Marathon winner had a similar incident with her water bottle.
She fell off the pace by 2 minutes, then, went on to win of course. wrote:
It's not just that she lost a few seconds from dropping her bottle, but also that she then closed the gap immediately after fairly quickly (if my memory serves me correctly). Seems like she was back near their slip stream within ~1min... Which is a pretty big surge.
You weren't watching the same race I was.
Bottled it wrote:
She lost her bottle.
Good one
He debut was a lot more impressive than Mo's though
In an interview posted on Youtube, she said she had already missed picking up the first bottle and after she dropped her second one she thought it was important enough to stop and pick that up.
Raymond Reddington wrote:
She would have won had she not dropped the bottle and cost her precious seconds.
I agree. She lost a lot of time. She had to make it up- she made up a lot of ground but what she lost was too much.
That sucks.