Please remember you are talking about real people when posting in this thread, even if they are public figures. Try to keep the discussion about marriage in general and not the individuals.

To make moderation a bit easier, we are going to shift this thread to registration required. Registration is free and you can remain anonymous but it makes moderation a bit easier as it generally cuts down on the volume of posts.

Additionally, we have asked that google not index the thread so their children won't read it down the road.

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Please remember you are talking about real people when posting in this thread, even if they are public figures. Try to keep the discussion about marriage in general and not the individuals.

To make moderation a bit easier, we are going to shift this thread to registration required. Registration is free and you can remain anonymous but it makes moderation a bit easier as it generally cuts down on the volume of posts.

Additionally, we have asked that google not index the thread so their children won't read it down the road.

Leave the password field blank to post anonymously.

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