I'm gonna guess that the called 29 second split was 209 meters, not 200.
in fact, I just double checked. Kajelcha 29.8 for 209m. Rabbit was 29.6
9 meters at that speed takes about 1.3 seconds, which means that the rabbit actually split 28.3 for the first 200m.
and what pace is that for a full 1609 meters? 3:47.9
kudos to Rob Napolitano for going out EXACTLY ON WORLD RECORD PACE.
the second lap though...yeah that was too fast. need to rewatch the race but maybe the racers were telling him to speed up or something
and the requested 800m pace was 1:53 and Kajelcha split 1:52.99 for 809 so let's all just relax a bit