Levins is a badass, not like 90% of Letsrunners with their "My coach tells me to run 30mpw, therefore I can only run 30mpw! And I suck! Help!"
If he wants to run 100mpw, he will. If he wants to run 200mpw, he will. The guy will do it a 3 in the morning if he has to.
Levins will do the mileage he thinks he can benefit from (and recover from) while taking on the intensity of Salazar's training. Not one step more and not one step less.
In his Flotrack interview he showed that he embraces the scientific side of things, so there should be no conflict between him and Salazar's endless mumbo-jumbo. Doubt he'll wear the horse harness, though.
He also won't give a damn about leading out workouts. He is incredibly strong mentally and will only benefit from doing the kind of thing that Rupp NEVER had to do in his career -- the kind of stuff that might help Rupp to ACTUALLY WIN SOME REAL RACES if he had ever been subjected to the gonad-enhancing side of training.
What Levins WON'T do is put up for one second with the crap Salazar pulled on Begeley, sacrificing one runner for a favorite. Levins is a level-headed guy and I bet he would sooner train alone than effectively throw a race for someone else's benefit.
I think he'll be fine the way that Farah is fine. Salazar seems to tolerate other runners and treat them OK until they dare to threaten the supremacy of his favorites. This is why foreign runners (Farah) and runners focusing on off events from Rupp/Goucher (Ritz in the marathon) have been spared "The Treatment" while others have left after a few years or just months.