Very tragic though! sad about his wife.
Very tragic though! sad about his wife.
unbelievable. I wonder how it all happened?
Lost glory? Coincidence with anniversary of sub 4? The guy always seemed depressed to me. In any case, wowzers!
I hope to God this isn't the same Tim and is a result of bad report.
Tim Danielson interview
"The guy always seemed depressed to me."
Why do you say that?
Ryun, Congressman.Liquori, sports commentator, entrepreneur.Danielson, demure engineer, living a nondescript existence. Kind of struck me as a Buzz Aldrin type without the super-rockstar status. It's just my impression of him IMHO.
Prayers wrote:
"The guy always seemed depressed to me."
Why do you say that?
Prayers wrote:
I hope to God this isn't the same Tim and is a result of bad report.
Tim Danielson interview
He had sons ages 35 and 9 at the time of the interviews in 2003.
The article mentions an "older son" whatever that is, and a 16 year old son.
I don't believe this story at all as there are no references to the said fourminute Tim. Somebody needs to delete this thread until the name is corroborated. Tim doesn't live in Lakeside.
Prayers wrote:
Tim doesn't live in Lakeside.
Where does fourminute Tim live?
Wow. What a weak human being.
The age and the area certainly make it sound like it's "that" Tim Danielson
Tim does live in Lakeside, in the home he purchased with my mother when they were married in the late 80's. I spent a lot of time with Tim and my mother in that house. Though my mother and Tim had their own set of problems and later divorced, Tim always treated me and my siblings with kindness and generosity. Tim has always been a bit of an introvert, at least while I knew him, and this is a shocking and tragic story. I never heard Tim ever raise his voice much less act violent in any way.
I have friends in law enforcement here in San Diego and they have confirmed to me directly that the man in the story is in fact Tim Danielson, and my mother has confirmed that the address is indeed the residence she shared with Tim.
My heart goes out to Tim's sons and the family of his wife.
Prayers wrote:
I don't believe this story at all as there are no references to the said fourminute Tim. Somebody needs to delete this thread until the name is corroborated. Tim doesn't live in Lakeside.
He and his kids are the right age. Good enough for me.
First Wanjiru now Danielson.
Bizarre year this 2011...nothing much good happening.
Given his age, I wouldn't be surprised if he lost his job, and his home was being foreclosed. Unfortunately, companies are less catering to an engineer or programmer once they get really high up in age.
It really isa young person's game.
Hey 'bguj2009', would please show an ounce of humanity.
Negative thoughts like yours is one reason why this world seems f*** up.
This Sucks!!
Its always sad. I'm been around long enough to know a half dozen people that do this when hard times hit.
I've woken up in the morning about 500 times thinking with the first thought in my head being to blow my brains out. But you go on.
Things crashing in all over and the stress can be overwhelming. I would think if I got to that point I would just bug out like Gerry Lindgren rather than takes lives down around me.
break it up wrote:
Things crashing in all over and the stress can be overwhelming. I would think if I got to that point I would just bug out like Gerry Lindgren rather than take lives down around me.
That's a really good point.
It is sad about Danielson, and most of all sad for his wife.