How one should train for the /marathon was the topic of the second part of the interview (from 1:07 )
He stated that the best training is dependent upon if we are talking about the very best in the world or just normal people.
He started by concluding that the anaerobic threshhold is most important. So you should maximumet the threshhold before you enter the marathon specific period.
there has been studies on 2:50 runners that conclude that the anaerobic threshhold correlate with the finishing time with a margin of error of 1-2 minutes. There hasnt been any studies of the best in the world, but Marius believes that the same correlation holds true also for them.
-> so the 1500-5k training which gives the Highest anaerobic threshhold will be optimal at least up to the half marathon, but probably also marathon (he mentioned that the aerobic threshhold becomes important also for marathon).
-> for the very best, you dont need much stimuli for your muscles to adopt to the muscle strain that comes from running a marathon.
So before you enter the marathon specific training -> the training week should look a lot like the normal norwegian week.
-> you should keep the double threshhold, but run easy for 1 hour before the 6x6min training on thursdays. You shouldnt take any waterbreak or paus. Go straight for the 1 hour into the intervals.
-> almost all training should be interval based. Every other week you could to some continues running.
-> x-factor saturday (hills). A lot like the normal week before you enter the marathon specific training.
-> sunday: for the best runners in the world, you dont need to run for more than 20 km. (When you enter the marathon specific training you should run longer, progressive and faster towards the end). So you should start to adjust 2-3 weeks before you enter the marathon specific period.