Man, that men's 1500m semi with the two Kenyans and the Moroccan at the back were testemant to the AIU and improved testing. Two Kenyans not even able to get out of the first round, and Tim looking like a shadow of his former self. Keep in mind that the Manangois couldn't even make the Kenyan team.
Man, that men's 1500m semi with the two Kenyans and the Moroccan at the back were testemant to the AIU and improved testing. Two Kenyans not even able to get out of the first round, and Tim looking like a shadow of his former self. Keep in mind that the Manangois couldn't even make the Kenyan team.
3 Kenyans made it through…not surprising that the athlete in Simotwo who was only selected due to testing requirements ruling out more in-form athletes did not. Tim looked fine to me aside from nearly falling.
Man, that men's 1500m semi with the two Kenyans and the Moroccan at the back were testemant to the AIU and improved testing. Two Kenyans not even able to get out of the first round, and Tim looking like a shadow of his former self. Keep in mind that the Manangois couldn't even make the Kenyan team.
3 Kenyans made it through…not surprising that the athlete in Simotwo who was only selected due to testing requirements ruling out more in-form athletes did not. Tim looked fine to me aside from nearly falling.
Anyway, the folks at AIU are busy. Cut them some slack. Like any other governmental or quasi-governmental agency, it takes them twice as long to do what a normal person or organization would do to perform the same task.
Anyway, the folks at AIU are busy. Cut them some slack. Like any other governmental or quasi-governmental agency, it takes them twice as long to do what a normal person or organization would do to perform the same task.
Allegedly, it was the Lausanne lab, not AIU, that was too slow. However, it's summer, and staffing issues are widespread.
Yes, and traffic and hotel issues would lead to a whereabouts failure, IF one fails to notify USADA, not tampering. Plus, one can afford two such whereabouts screw-ups within any twelve month period (but zero tampering offenses).