How about posting a link to those rankings?
How about posting a link to those rankings?
LDS wrote:
How about posting a link to those rankings?
Brigham Young University 2022 Rankings
Brigham Young University is ranked No. 131 (tie) out of 182 in Engineering Schools. Schools are ranked according to their performance across a set of widely accepted indicators of excellence. HOW WE RANK SCHOOLS
Engineering School Program Rankings
#131 in Engineering Schools (tie)
Brigham Young University--Provo Alumni Starting Salaries
Below are the median starting salaries by major for alumni of Brigham Young University--Provo.
Median starting salary of alumni by major: Engineering: $57,800. The national average salary for an Entry Level Engineer is $70,459 in United States.
BYU Admissions
Brigham Young University--Provo admissions is less selective with an acceptance rate of 77%. Half the applicants admitted to BYU have an SAT score between 1010 and 1220 or an ACT score of 23 and 26. However, one quarter of admitted applicants achieved scores above these ranges and one quarter scored below these ranges. The application deadline is Dec. 15 and the application fee at Brigham Young University--Provo is $35.
Selectivity: Less selective
Fall 2019 acceptance rate
Application deadline Dec. 15
SAT/ACT scores must be received by Dec. 15 Priority application deadline
He asked for a link and instead you post false stats. Do a google search. Those aren’t even close to accurate admissions info.
They are actually ranked 101 out of 221 schools. Much closer to the best than the worst. Mantz has not taken 8 years to get a degree, and your information is just blatant lies.
like i said, a troll and truly warped.
If you have an engineering degree from no-name U, you’re still fine. There is a shortage of engineers across all disciplines, and even better if you are US-born.
That’s not to say a big name helps. But it’s not needed.
US News is a garbage publication that now makes all its money off “rankings.” For the sheeple.
The person posting to this forum named “he’s a grandpa” is a despicable troll that obviously is but-hurt for some reason. Clearly miserable . For some mental issues, or lack of tolerance of others, he can’t keep from badmouthing BYU or any of their runners. I am not a fan of BYU. But give us a break and go away! Quit your wining.
Or to put it bluntly, what an @$$. But he’ll probably just reply with the same old garbage that everyone knows is false!
He graduated high school in 2015...
He should continue being coached by Ed Eyestone and focus on the half marathon and marathon. I’m not saying he will be a world beater, but he will be damn fun to watch.
Mantz's future is in the marathon. He's a strength runner. He should link up with Jared Ward, pursue an actual career, have many Mormon kids, run a series of noble 2:10s, maybe nip third place in the 2024 Olympic marathon trials.
Kobbs Hessler wrote:
Mantz's future is in the marathon. He's a strength runner. He should link up with Jared Ward, pursue an actual career, have many Mormon kids, run a series of noble 2:10s, maybe nip third place in the 2024 Olympic marathon trials.
+1 yes, Absolutely marathon potential with the only caveat being his bio mechanics which to me is still an open question, initially my thought was that it would create a lot of stress on his tibia bone below the knee with the way his foot plants but possibly this is actually a strength not a weakness.
Remember, Salazar also ran with unorthodox biomechanics which didn’t stop him from being the best in the world during his era.
he's a grampa wrote:
The byu engineering school is ranked 131st out of 182. Very much closer to the worst than the best. They would be happy if they were only sub-par. I'm sure that it is a very challenging major for the type of students that byu gets, but could easily be completed in a few months by a Stanford or a Princeton engineering student. The fact that it is taking Mantz eight years to muddle through says it all.
As an engineering major at a top 30 school in the world, I can tell you that those rankings, especially for engineering, mean next to nothing. The math/physics taught at my school vs the math at Princeton vs the math at BYU is exactly the same. Engineering curriculums are taught from the same group of textbooks. The only advantage in going to a “better” school for engineering undergrads is that you will be working with highly motivated and smarter students. (And that people like you sill be impressed by the name of the school lol) The quality of education is similar everywhere.
Rankings are determined by prestige (nothing to do with difficulty and a dumb metric IMO.. very outdated), research output (again, nothing to do with undergrad education quality), student faculty ratio (not really representative because class sizes =/= this ratio) and international students ratio (useless, no explanation needed).
So yea, those rankings are useless, especially for engineering. And btw, the kids who go to Princeton, Harvard, Stanford etc… aren’t geniuses or anything. Saying that they can complete a BYU ME program in a few months just shows that you’re either brainwashed by these “elite” universities’ marketing schemes or you’re really out of touch with what engineering education looks like, They’re just hard working, smart, and driven students who value going to a “prestigious” school.
[quote]Go Away Troll wrote:
The person posting to this forum named “he’s a grandpa” is a despicable troll that obviously is but-hurt for some reason. Clearly miserable . /quote]
It's clearly Mantz in here making those posts as a troll. Are you dense?
And also, Mantz graduated in 2015, went on a 2 year mission and now he is completing his program in 5 years if I’m not mistaken?
That’s perfectly normal for an engineering program. ME typically lasts 4 to 5 years depending on where you live and how the curriculum is set up
So that he can be running in the NCAA as a 25 year old? Come on, enough is enough.
Yes, he could compete as a 25 year old. If he started college as a 25 year old (not as the 20 year old when he started college) hen he could run up being 30 years old.
From the NCAA;
“ Eligibility Timeline
Your five-year clock starts when you enroll as a full-time student at any college. Thereafter, your clock continues, even if you spend an academic year in residence as a result of transferring; decide to redshirt, if you do not attend school or even if you go part time during your college career.”
Now to the real question. Mantz probably should go pro, not because he is older, but because he will be able to progress more as a pro than he can in another year of the NCAAs. But that is up to him. I’ve met him a few times-he has a great personality and is a nice kid. Interestingly enough, most of the elite runners I’ve met are some of the nicest classiest people I’ve ever met.
You heard it from me Mantz will not be going back to BYU next season he instead along with Ole Miss miler Waleed Sulliman will join the On Athletics Club and be coached by Danath Ritzenhein
Ghost1 wrote:
he's a grampa wrote:
[quote]Ghost1 wrote:
Mantz majored in mechanical engineering at Brigham Young University so in theory he won’t have any problems being employed should he decide to forgo becoming a professional in distance running.
I’ve never heard of a mechanical engineer having trouble getting work. Sometimes they had to relocate but it is a profession in high demand and kudos to him for leading a top rate athletic career in conjunction with a typical demanding major. No disrespect to other majors especially those in the humanities but mechanical engineering is hard-core.
Yes, and it is only taking him eight years to complete a sub-par four year program.[/quote
How can mechanical engineering be considered subpar? Engineering engineering programs are the same everywhere whether it’s Harvard or BYU or No name State University whatever....
I believe he was referencing BYUs engineering program, not the major itself. And while the components to the degree necessary to get accredidation are similar, the quality of each engineering degree is very dependent on the university. An engineering degree from a school with a top 5 program is definitely better than one from a school whos program is ranked 144th. Plus job prospects are way better too right out of school.
That being said, anyone with an engineering degree will fare better than someone with a liberal arts degree. In all likelihood Mantz would probably make more in the long term with his engineering degree.
For what its worth, which might not be much, someone noted that Dathan Ritzenhein only follows his own OAC athletes on Strava, and that he had recently followed both Mantz and Waleed Suliman. Maybe both of them are signing soon.