This is the training of Sondre after Valencia, run on Sunday 22 October in 59:48
1st week (23 - 29 October) :
Monday, 23 :
56’ at 3’50” > 3’40” (15 km) + Travel (Valencia – Madrid by car + flight Madrid – Dubai)
Tuesday, 24 :
Flight Dubai – Nairobi – Eldoret) + 37’45” at 3’50” > 3’40” (10 km)
Wednesday, 25 :
a) 1h14’ at 3’45” > 3’40” (20 km) in Iten
b) 1h04’30” at 3’50” > 3’45” (17 km)
Thursday, 26 :
a) 1h29’ at 3’45” > 3’40” (24 km)
b) 47’45” at 4’05” > 3’55” (12 km) + 12 x 80m sprint uphill
Friday, 27 :
a) 18’30” warm-up (4.7 km) + 1h10’ Fartlek (5 times 3’ fast / 1’ moderate + 5 x 2’/1’ + 10 x 1’/1’ + 15 x 30”/30”) (21.3 km)
b) 58’ at 3’55” > 3’50” (15 km)
Saturday, 28 :
a) 59’15” at 3’50” > 3’40” (16 km)
b) 48’45” at 3’50” > 3’40” (13 km)
Sunday, 29 :
2h24’18” at 3’31” (Moiben Road) (41 km) (35’08” + 35’22” + 35’16” + 35’14” + 3’18”)
Total volume of the week : 210 km