GOAT material !
GOAT material !
Truly was insane what she was able to do there!!
Not as impressive as pooping and running 2:17
Dibaba is no doper! Nor does she use Pepto Bismal.
Poop and you're done.
Puke gets in your mouth, your throat, chokes you, is very unpleasant.
eeeeeeee wrote:
Not as impressive as pooping and running 2:17
That was a different race.
What a legend!
exthrower wrote:
Smart...She pukes up all the steroids so she can pass the drug tests.
It never ceases to amaze me how retarded you are.
There is no doubt Dibaba is a very gifted runner and one of the best ever. But to be honest, she was on something and that did not sit down well in her stomach at some point. It is the first time in her long illustrious career that I have seen her puke(or make several attempts to do so). The only other time I have seen her have an issue was I think 2013 world championships 10000m finals where it seems she had a stitch(kept holding her side). Her 2:17 is therefore a "manufactured" time just like Bekele's 2:03:03 and the two will never come close to those times ever again (within 30 seconds for Bekele and 1 minute for Dibaba ). If you doubt this, write it somewhere and I you will realize this is the truth. Just wonder why Hermans is destroying great talents. He only values money and fame and would do anything to get those two even at the expense of athletes. Look at Haile, asthmatic due to long time use of pharmaceuticals.
I am 95% convinced she is a doper (99% in the case of her lovely little sister), but dang she is one of my favorite all-time women to watch. Just regal and tough in all her pharmaceutically-enhanced glory. Same deal with Haile and Bekele.
Was she puking out EPO? Too high of a dosage?
exthrower wrote:
Smart...She pukes up all the steroids so she can pass the drug tests.
Classic, this'll laugh me to sleep tonight. Imagine that was all there is to it. It explains Brad Wiggins' bulimia.