Rono: How I stopped Salazar
By Henry Rono
The telephone rang. It was Alberto Salazar, the American runner who intended to break the American record in 10,000 metres. The most incredible 10,000 metres ever run in the history of Track and Field events of America was in the offing. A few weeks previously, it was in the sports news that "Alberto Salazar is going to be the first track and field runner to be a millionaire, when Salazar wins his meet with the line up of elite runners and a guarantee of Henry Rono. Without Rono in the meet, it was meaningless to the promoters, a leading shoe company." To be sure the entire requirements were met, Salazar decided to become the race director. It was in March 8, 1982, and the competition was in four weeks.
The telehone discussion went thus: "I am promoting a 10,000 metres competition on April 8, 1982 at Eugene Howard Stadium, Oregon. Four years ago, you remember you were in good shape and you broke world records in the spring of 1978.
Salazar said: "Don?t worry for this one I am just giving you 30 days before the race starts so that I can prepare myself to be on the meet on April 8, 1982.
"Before, there is a 5,000 metre race in three weeks from now in California. The sponsor will arrange everything for you to go there as a build-up for April 8 competition at Eugene."
"I went to California. It was a small race. I placed second with the time of 13:37, much better than two weeks before at the Walla Walla meet where I was competing with Peter Koech. I came first in the 5,000 metres in 13:53. Then, I was assisting the new comers to college competition from Kenya. Once I broke 14 minutes in 5K. It was a good indication of the upcoming summer. The world records will be falling one by one.
After the California meet was over, the guy who won the California 5k told me: "You have one week to race with Salazar, but you are not in shape yet to beat him." But somehow, we both came close, and he beat me by 2 seconds. I was a bit surprised to see myself improving in such a short time.
Salazar made another phone call while I was in California, again telling me: "Henry, you have one week to get ready for the Eugene, Oregon meet. I heard you ran very well."
Salazar already knew that he would win the race with the American record held by Great Virgin, 27:29, and he might as well break my world record on that 10,000m. Salazar told me four weeks earlier if I could show up and just run under 28 minutes, he would pay me $2000.
"My mind was on books and a little bit of racing here and there with these new Kenyan recruits who were attending WSU (Washington State University) at that time, and I was doing that with them with no problems.
"As for the Salazar meet, I felt like he had dragged me into the race when I was not ready, and he was ready. One way or another, he found out I wasn?t keen on his plans."
"At this time, Iwasn?t prepared. Anyhow, going back to my California motel, Salazar told me: "In these 10 days, you either come to Eugene or train there while waiting for this big meet or go back to Pullman, Washington, and we will send the ticket. Just let us know where you are going to be."
On his meet, which was a special 10km organised between him and the company, the intention was for Salazar to break American records from 10k, 5km, 3km and so on and maybe my records.
"The company would pay him one million dollars, and he was going to be the first runner to become a millionaire in one session.
"But Salazar had to be well organised. The special 10km was in the spring session during University of Oregon twilight meets. He made sure he had international runners from many countries.
"There were about 15 runners. He was very busy putting the meet together. His mind focused on three issues: to win the race along with the American record; to be a meet director organiser and he was also concerned with who would come and who would not and to make the meet popular.
"One week to the meet was headaches for him to get me there. Numerous telephone calls in my training camp at Salt Lake City made me think that there was something cooking.
"He might be in good shape, and I am not. He is desperately ready to destroy the American 10km record in my presence. In the five days left, I started changing my formula. Instead of two times a week intervals plus weight control, I put in five-day workout intervals.
"To meet my requirements of running around the track 25 laps (10,000m), like I said earlier, it takes me many 5km to put me in to the level of racing 10k at the highest level.
"This time, I had no room to plan that. Salazar said: "Please come to my meet. Without you, this meet is meaningless."
"Thursday night was my last workout. Friday, very early in the morning, I flew to Eugene from Salt Lake City where I was training.
"Salazar welcomed me at his Sports Exhibit Banquet, and then, there was the press asking me about my condition.
"You ran last week very well. Did you like placing second?" I was surprised, but I found the time satisfying.
"Tomorrow the weather is going to be rainy and cool, no wind, but you Africans don?t like to run in the cold, do you?" they asked me.
"I ran in minus zero degrees in Spokane, Washington in 1977 and won and in Puerto Rico and won," I said.
But this one race, though I will be okay, my formula of training in Salt Lake City made me confident mentally, but my physical body was very sore.
"I went for my usual early morning run. I ran in the woods of Eugene, Oregon. In the woods, I could feel fresh air in the early morning. I took advantage of it and there?s a little hill here.
"I climbed for 45 minutes with intense speed as if I didn?t have a race that day and ran back to my motel. I felt no tightness like the previous day in my arms. It was gone.
"That was a good indication I might finish 25 laps. At the motel, I started imagining how I was going to finish this 10km. I couldn?t wait. I started feeling nervous. Sometimes they say it is a good sign of performing well, and it is true.
"He noticed it was just a slight rain, but no wind. The American runners like to run when it is raining, and they happen to perform well in that kind of weather. Salazar and I couldn?t wait anymore for the special 10k to begin. We had 15 minutes for introductions. Traditionally the introductions started from the least famous runner to the most famous guy.
I was the last person to be introduced to that big crowd. The whole stadium stood up; I glanced at them and hurried to the starting line.
"Among the spectators was the bronze medalist in the 1972 Munich Olympics pursuing his doctoral degree at the University of Oregon and his family ? Dr. Mike Boit. Salazar and I were cranking. Boit seemed like he was watching the clock and comparing the pace.
"The 6.2-mile race was too long for the shape I was in that day. I ran this race with a different pace, unlike many other races I have been running.
"So the plan was to race with just a completely different style.
"One mile went very easily. I didn?t feel any pain. All I heard was the time, 4:27 minutes. We were on target. "As a front-runner, we had a good start. I could take the lead for one lap, and another could lead too.
"About four of those runners were taking turns until we finished the first mile. After that, Salazar and I pushed to the two-mile mark in under 9 minutes, still negotiable for American records.
"After half way, the American record was possible. Salazar and I passed halfway at 13:45 minutes. It became a two-man race, and the others were fighting among themselves for the third position.
"The Eugene 10,000 metres special became a set of three groups: one in front, Salazar and I, the second included Solomon Nyambui from Tanzania and a British runner, and the third group, Brazilians and others.
"I didn?t have to worry about being placed number three at this point in time. I had secured second position, but I was still negotiating for the first place. It was easy for me to run behind him because of his style. This went on until we had three laps to go, less than a mile.
"I could feel the crowd itching with amused faces in the stands, and watching only two runners in front, about 100 metres away from the second group.
"At one lap and half, Salazar seemed like he had given up for the record. I moved closer, still running behind him.
"It was unusual competition for me, and the only plan I had at that point was to beat Salazar. I normally have some searching pace in the middle of any race I run, but not on this particular one.
"As Salazar and I came to face the eastside, the crowd stood up. I got a little closer to Salazar, who was still leading. The bell rang for one last lap to go and we made a left turn, facing the westside of the stadium.
"The crowd was standing up, waiting for the winner with a big, loud voice, unsure who would win. With 200 metres to go, I came from behind Salazar and ran with him shoulder to shoulder.
At 100 metres to the finish, I put my hand up to assure the crowd I was winning; 25 metres to go, I made a quick pace. Salazar couldn?t respond because he was dragging his feet. I beat Salazar by one tenth of a second. I received standing ovation the same way as when I was introduced.
"It was the most incredible race in the history of my running. It was well publicised around the world that it was the closest race ever in American track and field history. Afterwards, Salazar commented that he shouldn?t have thought of breaking American record, because he missed by one second.
"In my mind, I was about to tell him: "You are a strong man, someone who is thinking three things while he is running 66 seconds each lap for 25 laps.
"It is impossible to do it, but you almost did it. I can?t do that myself. It could be very heavy on my mind. You are thinking of winning this race, concerned about promotions, promises from the company, one million dollars for American record, Henry Rono and you almost did it.
"All in all, it was the most incredible race I ever ran in my life."