I'm stealing this from ST, but I think it could be fun. What are some of the biggest training, racing, nutrition, etc. myths?
I'm stealing this from ST, but I think it could be fun. What are some of the biggest training, racing, nutrition, etc. myths?
That expensive shoes will reduce injuries
lactic acid
stretching prevents soreness/injury
Dean Karnazes is the greatest distance runner ever.
marathons are harder than ironmans
That a 10k runner is a "distance" runner.
That a 10k runner is a "distance" runner.
Running doesn't shrivel up your coin purse.
Calories in/calories out is the final determinant for body weight.
Don't increase your training by more than 10% per week.
The second wind
That cooling down is important for recovery and preventing soreness.
Running is usually bad for your knees.
Your lungs freeze when you run in the cold.
People run a lot to get 'runner's high.'
To me, you feel runner's high high you are out of shape and then run hard.
13:55 in trainers
That runners with headphones cannot hear anything around them.
That running on your toes is faster than heel striking.
Here are some very regular comments from the uninformed military members:
- "I wish I was born naturally fast like you"(they disregard the 70+ mile weeks that I run)
- "Of course he's going to run faster on his PT test than me, his legs are MUCH longer" (I'm 6'2)
- "He can run his 1.5 mile real fast but I bet he couldn't carry me in a war zone" (I'm the only military member in my wing to score a 100 on the PT test. You need 67 pushups in a minute, 58 situps in a minute and 9:06 for 1.5 mile run. On top of that I can still bench press 255, being one of the stronger members of the group. And if you lost some eff'ing weight and got down to a reasonable size, maybe I could carry you in a war zone)
That running is healthy.