exciting event wrote:
Can't complain about a free stream but obviously it would be great to see more. However I think the drone will be fine if the announcers were able to get a little more info to describe what's going on. I think so far they are doing a pretty solid job of talking about the teams and course.
what they really need is one of these:
https://c8.alamy.com/comp/RA6CXC/kanagawa-japan-2nd-jan-2019-naoto-takeishi-january-2-2019-ekiden-the-95th-hakone-ekiden-race-5th-section-in-kanagawa-japan-credit-naoki-nishimuraaflo-sportalamy-live-news-credit-aflo-co-ltdalamy-live-news-RA6CXC.jpgbut yes to be clear, can't complain about the free stream and excited to see this happening