helppls wrote:
Last year I did not run all summer, so I want to train hard this summer and improve. However, I'm not sure how to approach this. June, I was running 35 mpw with doubles. This first week in July, I'm on track to hit 35 again with singles. However my goal mileage is 45 mpw. Should I start running 45 mpw in the next two weeks (with doubles the first 2 weeks, and then singles) , or stay at 35 in July and hit 45 in August right before racing ( same double single approach) ? And how should I decrease my mileage in september when high school season starts and we are doing 5k races and workotus?
Well, I say as I always say when questions like this……. Don`t bother how much mileage you run as the first choice for your
best training. Start to build your weekly program with the three most important factors instead. Build with one maxVO2 -pace interval ( I mostly use 12-20 x 400m ), one lactate threshold pace interval ( 5-9 miles total) and the rest in between
with recovery runs at aerob power pace , length of runs 3- 10 miles. And you don`t have to do doubles. You are young and still have plenty of time to build for more mileage later on. Remember the words from the great European Champion at 5 000m , Bruce Tulloh, " First see what you can do with training one session per day, then you can try to reach for the stars. "