for definite wrote:
One thing is for sure. Rupp will be one of the cleanest elites on that starting line. He's again racing against the who's who of doping.
for definite wrote:
One thing is for sure. Rupp will be one of the cleanest elites on that starting line. He's again racing against the who's who of doping.
found the head in the sand wrote:
for definite wrote:
One thing is for sure. Rupp will be one of the cleanest elites on that starting line. He's again racing against the who's who of doping.
Oh the hypocrisy...
Rodgers has been around, but he has not been around doping. In his 70s heyday, where he basically competed on the roads against mostly Americans 99% of the time, I doubt if there were many people doping at all, so he would have no way of knowing. American track & field athletes who competed (and lost) to Soviet and Eastern European athletes of the time, however, would know what they're talking about.
no cigar wrote:
Won't be an exciting race I fear. A 20 mph wind in the face the whole way? That's gonna produce some slow-ass times.
Slow times =/= unexciting races
This is a race, not a time trial. If anything, I would expect the weather forecast to mean more exciting racing, with some real fireworks from the Newton hills in to the finish if a large pack is still in contention.
Yes, when you use the term "American-born" in the context of Rupp, who is a white male, you are implying that only white males are American. This is, of course, completely fallacious.
The American born nonsense this site spews aside, that interview with Rupp serves as a good example for why it can be hard to root for him. He dismissed the doping question and said that was settled 2 years ago. Meanwhile, the investigation is ongoing...
And when it comes to training he couldn't give his weekly mileage. What is Tola gonna head out for a second run tonight if Rupp said he's at 140 and he's only at 130? I don't get that. You give limited insights into training which is what runners can relate to and that was an interesting way to answer the doping question. I get that a lot of his answers are probably scripted. I can see why he would say the doping stuff happened 2 years ago, let's move on, I want to focus on this race, but the reality is that fans don't feel the same way.
NERunner053 wrote:
The American born nonsense this site spews aside, that interview with Rupp serves as a good example for why it can be hard to root for him. He dismissed the doping question and said that was settled 2 years ago. Meanwhile, the investigation is ongoing...
And when it comes to training he couldn't give his weekly mileage. What is Tola gonna head out for a second run tonight if Rupp said he's at 140 and he's only at 130? I don't get that. You give limited insights into training which is what runners can relate to and that was an interesting way to answer the doping question. I get that a lot of his answers are probably scripted. I can see why he would say the doping stuff happened 2 years ago, let's move on, I want to focus on this race, but the reality is that fans don't feel the same way.
I’m a fan and I’m not sure what else he can say. If he isn’t doping, nothing he can say is going to convince anyone. Though if it was me and I wasn’t doping at some point I would’ve gotten so tired of the accusations When told by a reporter of negative comments by other elites that said elites could simply “F off” I would also tell them to finish the damn investigation already
Les wrote:
Yes, when you use the term "American-born" in the context of Rupp, who is a white male, you are implying that only white males are American. This is, of course, completely fallacious.
No. Billy Mills is American and not white.