Let’s wipe FloJo from the books and call this the new WR. Amazing performance, legal wind!
Let’s wipe FloJo from the books and call this the new WR. Amazing performance, legal wind!
Elaine is the fastest woman ever after alll.. ....
FWIW it is now the Track & Field News record:
10.61 Florence Griffith Joyner (US) 7/17/88
10.61 Elaine Thompson-Herah (Jamaica) 7/31/21
10.62 ————Griffith Joyner 9/24/88
10.63 Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce (Jamaica) 6/05/21
10.64 Carmelita Jeter (US) 9/20/09
10.65(A) Marion Jones (US) 9/12/98
10.67 ————Jeter 9/13/09
10.70 ————Griffith Joyner 7/17/88
10.70 ————Jones 8/22/99
10.70 ————Jeter 6/04/11
10.70 ————Fraser-Pryce 6/29/12
10.70 ————Thompson-Herah 7/01/16
I love that these olympics were supposed to be the crowning of SAFP as the greatest ever but Thompson had something else in mind lol.
But get real. FloJo’s record is just as clean as what Thompson just run. Could you imagine what FloJo would run on this track where everyone is running insane times. You take FloJo’s 10.4 run and you put her on this oregon track or the Olympic track in Japan abd she’s running 10.3. So screw it. It’s either all good or all dirty. I tend to look at them all as good except for the boygirl running insane times at the junior worlds.
If you want the REAL “clean record” since you’re so worried about steroids then just wait a few years and Mboma will have both the 100 and 200 meter records lol.
Personally I'm waiting for the Jamaican girls to break Flo-Jo WR in the next meetings.
Come on girls you can do it!
oldasslawyer wrote:
Let’s wipe FloJo from the books and call this the new WR. Amazing performance, legal wind!
The wind may have been legal. It's the only part that was.
oldasslawyer wrote:
Let’s wipe FloJo from the books and call this the new WR. Amazing performance, legal wind!
A situation like this kind of does suck because there is no doubt that this would have been a fantastic WR to celebrate. Now I say that with an asterisk because do I personally believe that similar to the mens all-time list, any of these performances are aren't chemically aided ? No I don't.
So that at least being equal the one thing the IAAF can actually control are the climatic conditions (aka the wind) and they managed to botch this badly with the current ratified WR from Griffith-Joyner. The problem being, it doesn't matter if T&F news doesn't recognize it, it doesn't matter if the IAAF issued a report years after the fact saying "it most probably was" wind aided and it doesn't matter if we have all laughed after watching the footage with the blowing flags, race number and hair or the commentary team acknowledging the wind before the race even starts.
I think that at the time the IAAF was just kind of reveling in the popularity that sprint WR's were bringing to the sport at the time. Carl Lewis and Ben Johnson were threats to break it every time they ran and Flo-Jo doing some damage to the womens record was very complimentary. I think though they were kind of taken by surprise by this, figuratively got caught with their hands in their pockets, and by the time anyone even contemplated the gravity of this it was too late (as in they needed to say before the end of that day, 16 July 1988, that it wasn't going to be ratified). They didn't, probably assuming that the record would get broken relatively soon after and archive this one to the annuls of folklore - except it wasn't....
Long story short, Thompson-Herah needs another 0.06 seconds to do it. The only way Griffith-Joyner get's removed from the record books is if she runs 10.48 or faster (shrugging shoulders).