It won’t show up for me anymore but it was something along the lines of seduction of a minor or something like one of the previous posters said
It won’t show up for me anymore but it was something along the lines of seduction of a minor or something like one of the previous posters said
Did it list an age or town name? It’s a pretty common name...
Has been removed as the records were to be sealed.
Wow this is unbelievable. Do you people have nothing better to do than to talk about a guy who made a mistake? We’ve all made mistakes. Unfortunately we live in a small town in IN so gossip spreads quickly but we still should just respect whatever is going on and let them handle it. Even if you don’t like Nick at least have respect for the minor involved.
The coach of the NAIA #1 ranked men and #3 ranked women got fired. It’s absolutely newsworthy.
No one mentioned the minor. I also pressed for info not assumptions. Go cry elsewhere
First, writing this off as a mistake is shameful in itself. In these cases the predator is often quite calculated in his efforts to seduce control away from the victim. So calculated in fact, he will likely manipulate and deceive third parties to his defense. This may or may not be the case with Nick Johnson, however, I do believe in ruining him if he is guilty. Child seduction is an act of controlling and corrupting what (I think many of us would agree) is otherwise a pretty freeing part of life. Freedom is a human right and a person who can prey on someone else's freedom is a creature abominable to the species.
That is what I believe; however, it is not my beliefs which matter right now, nor Nick's, nor the beliefs of those sincerely advocating for either side. Child seduction yields a scandal and a victim. Often the scandal receives the bulk of our care and consideration. Right now there is also a victim. He or She has had control stripped from them by a monster. They are likely confused, embarrassed, vulnerable, and recovering. Please be mindful in what you are sharing. Do not expose information which will further take control from this person. It's his or her turn to call the shots. We are only now processing the situation. This person actually lived though it and now has the opportunity to recover. Don't make life harder on him or her than it needs to be. Ask yourself if you are serving the victim or if you just love a scandal.
My thoughts and prayers to those wrongfully hurt in this situation. Those close to the victim, ask how he or she would like to move forward and respect the answer.
Yeah it was for Huntington IN and was recent
That’s awful. Wow
All about integrity .
Can you look at yourself in the mirror
And ask” am I a good and decent person?”
Sometimes when people seem like good people...they aren’t.
I would surmise it’s finished
You guys literally have no idea what the charges are actually about, stop defaming his name and making assumptions about what happened when you do not know the situation. When it is explained you will understand that it’s not how it seems, but until that happens stop creating false statements and judgments.
Wouldn’t be if the coach wasn’t a coach.
Mutually consensual
There are zero circumstances where felony charges of seducing a minor and kidnapping are not how they seem. Especially from a male college coach of females. This is just unacceptable behavior. Consensual does not exist with a minor. I don't care how good of a coach he is, this man should never coach again.
reallynow? wrote:
There are zero circumstances where felony charges of seducing a minor and kidnapping are not how they seem. Especially from a male college coach of females. This is just unacceptable behavior. Consensual does not exist with a minor. I don't care how good of a coach he is, this man should never coach again.
They are currently charges and we have innocent until proven guilty here in the US. Best to let the justice system play out before dropping the hammer on this guy.
If charges are brought there must be evidence. USATF SafeSport will certainly ban him from coaching based off of charges alone. I can't imagine there are many parents who would want to send their child to run for a coach with these type of allegations. I've met the man myself and he seems like a good guy but this is not a mistake you can recover from.
What I can't stand about these situations is that nobody releases a public statement and all we have are scraps from the rumor mill, which tend to exaggerate or outright falsify the situation or lead to lots of character attacks on both the alleged and the victim. I don't understand why the university or local law enforcement can't release a statement that says the coach was released due to certain alleged charges or an investigation is ongoing. Just something to clarify the situation before rumors take hold without endangering the victims and then allow justice to run its course. The current situation in which someone that may or may not be familiar with the people and may or may not know what happened and may or may not seen the charges just allows speculation and outright lies to fly around. Seems to make the situation even worse than it already is.
I agree completely. My assumption for the lack of public statement is simply PR. Huntington is a faith based institution and having these types of charges against an employee looks terrible. They've done a pretty good job at keeping it out of the public eye so far. I mean, those not in the running community have no idea this is going on. It does lead to rumors but once those charges became public on the state website (even though it's been taken down now) it confirms most of what we have heard.
Until I see charges, everything you say is make believe. I think he resigned to become a private coach. End of story.
He was terminated, aka fired. That’s what the president, COO, and AD told us due to “a breach in trust”. There was a police investigation and whether correctly or incorrectly he has been charged with a crime(s) of some type. That’s all we really know for fact.