June 07, 2020

Treadmill World Records Galore Set at the Chaski Challenge Led by Sara Hall's 69:03 Half Marathon
World records were set in the half marathon up to 100km.
May 28, 2020

Sara Hall Among Pros Who Will Take Shot at Treadmill World Records on June 6 in Chaski Challenge
Inspired by the success of last month's Quarantine Backyard Ultra, a handful of elite runners will attempt to break treadmill world records across five distances next week. "We are 100% sure that we are going to break these records in this race," says meet director Tyler Andrews, who will be aiming for the marathon/50k records. "We want to have actual, really good athletes just totally destroy them and set them way out of reach."
April 20, 2020

HOKA ONE ONE Pro Runners Give Their Best Advice to High Schoolers
Want some simple training advice?
February 17, 2020

Tyler Andrews - The Male Trials Runner Who Didn't Break 18 Minutes in High School Who Now Trains with Kenyans in Ecuador
Tyler Andrews has a true where your dreams become reality story as he didn't break 18 minutes for 5k in high school and now is training with Kenyans in Ecuador and running the Olympic Marathon Trails and winning US championships.
April 11, 2018

Where Your Dreams Become Reality: Tyler Andrews From 18 Minutes for 5k in High School to 50k World Record?
April 14, 2015
2:16 Marathoner Tyler Andrews Attempting Treadmil Half-Marathon WR On April 19th At Boston marathon Expo
Andrews is trying to break his own 67:18 WR to raise money for educational projects in Peru. *Website