Callum Hawkins Collapses From Heat Exhaustion In Commonwealth Games Marathon As Spectators and Officials Stand Idly By

April 15, 2018

Scottish marathoner Callum Hawkins, who was 9th at the Rio Olympics and 4th at the World Champs last summer, was looking to win the Commonwealth Games marathon this morning. He had broken the field and had a large lead when this happened near the 40k mark.

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Struggling with heat exhaustion, Hawkins eventually collapsed in a heap but only after a worldwide TV audience saw some of the most distressing video we’ve ever seen of visible athletics struggle. Over the span of several minutes, Hawkins went from struggling to run a straight line to repeatedly running off the course and bumping into barriers and even a spectator before finally going down for good at the 2:07:13 mark. Australia’s Michael Shelley ended up coming by two minutes later and repeating as Commonwealth Games champion (recap here: Australian runs to legend status as Scot collapses with 2km to go).

Many are outraged that it took so long for official medical help to arrive and that the spectators didn’t help (one even pushed him back onto the course and others simply stood there and took pictures of a collapsed Hawkins), but it could be that many were worried that if they did help, Hawkins would be DQ’d.

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The good news is Hawkins seems to be doing ok from a medical standpoint.

Talk about this dramatic race on the messageboard. MB: Is Callum Hawkins going to win his first marathon at the CW games?
*MB: WTF Comm Games Marathon Madness 

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