Anti-Doping Experts Michael Ashenden and Robin Parisotto Issue Statements In Response to WADA IC Report – Both Men Are Willing To Let Seb Coe Lead The IAAF Moving Forward

January 15, 2016

Scientists Michael Ashenden and Robin Parisotto, both key figures in the Sunday Times investigation of suspicious 2001-2012 athlete blood values stored in an IAAF database, have issued statements to the Sunday Times after yesterday’s second WADA Independent Commission report came out. The Independent Commission said that the IAAF would have been unable to ban anyone based on the pre-2009 values and, contrary to what Ashenden and Parisotto concluded during the Sunday Times investigation, that the IAAF did in fact look follow up properly on the values.

Ashenden and Parisotto’s statements appear in full at the bottom of this article.

A bearded Seb Coe is grilled in a recent interview with CNN's Amanda Davies. A bearded Seb Coe is grilled in a recent interview with CNN’s Amanda Davies

Both men found encouraging aspects in the WADA report, and in the end, both took the high road and concluded their statements by saying they are willing to let Seb Coe lead the IAAF.

Ashenden’s statement concluded, “With the caveat that the IAAF adopt each and every IC recommendation, especially that they provide any necessary support for the relocation and employment of Vitaly Stepanov and Yulia Stepanova, then I am willing to join Dick Pound in crossing my fingers in hope that Lord Coe will deliver on his promise.”

Parisotto’s concluded,Now that the scandalous baggage has been unloaded from the IAAF it is over to Lord Coe to make good on his intentions. Clean athletes of the world deserve no less.”

Robin Parisotto’s Statement:

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