D1 as well and there is no free trial this year.
Details here:
LRC Update: We've published an editorial on the matter:
D1 as well and there is no free trial this year.
Details here:
LRC Update: We've published an editorial on the matter:
Flotrack gets the rights to EVERY NCAA division national XC championships. This means we have to pay in order to watch things that were once free. WTF is going on with flotrack. Am I the only one who hates this sh*t?
Dawg I've hated flotrack before it was even cool to do so
I'm going to contact the NCAA and ask them a few questions. Last year, we thought it was a requirement that it at least be free. But then I was told that doesn't apply if a tv network who has the rights sells them. But does a tv network really have the rights to D2 and D3? I doubt it.
I've known this was coming for a few weeks. The NCAA updated their tv policy - I wonder if the update removed the provision that it be free.
Here's my main question.
Does the NCAA charge to watch any other sport's national championship? I looked around and saw that like D2 soccer appears to be free.
PS. There are two threads on this topic so I'm merging them into one.
I'm waiting for someone to come out with competition for them, until then I don't see anything happening
By the time i get home the race will be in YouTube anyway
The greatest irony is that Flotrack once intended to grow and benefit the sport, and now they are not doing anything to help it. It's all about trying to survive as a business for the Floreanis at this point.
Best thing you can do than is don't watch it. READ a recap.
FloSports is also branching out to other sports, but because those markets aren't as big in the US, (e.g. FloBikes) they don't charge to watch the live streams from over-seas races. However, I guess because they know the running community is so big, especially because they are marketing to the younger generation of runners, they see it fit to charge to watch these events that were free?
Someone should pay the $30 then live stream the live stream over Facebook or YouTube.
Almost certain that someone did that with L. Disisa's attempt at the WR in Dubai and FloTrack shut that down almost immediately.
...better yet, boycott the whole thing and just wait for the news.
they need to fire Gordon Mack
D34Lyfe wrote:
Flotrack gets the rights to EVERY NCAA division national XC championships. This means we have to pay in order to watch things that were once free. WTF is going on with flotrack. Am I the only one who hates this sh*t?
I was shocked also. NCAA D1 Championship racrs should be on YouTube, free!
Why do you think you should be able to use a product without paying for it?
Try to follow the logic:
It costs money and time to provide the product. They will provide the product only if they get a return on the investment. If they do not charge money for it, the product will not exist because they won't make the product.
So, your choices are to have the product exist, and then ask the people who use the product to defray the cost of making it or simply to live without the existence of the product.
You are in the enviable position of being able to make a decision about the value of that product to you and to respond accordingly! Congratulations!
Also, your definition of greed is unusual. They want to exchange a product for your money; this you call greedy. You want to obtain a product and give nothing in return; this is not greedy. It is difficult to follow your reasoning. By this reasoning, you would be willing to provide your boss at McDonald's with your service and not accept any remuneration; to get paid for your work would be, according to your definition, greedy.
Flotrack took something that would have been free and decided to make people pay a ridiculous price for it without making the product any better. That is what people are mad about. It's sad that 2008-2010 was the peak of being able to watch races online for little or next to nothing. 10 years later and the quality of the videos has not improved and now you have to pay a ton just to watch one race. USATF.tv is pretty much the only thing I will pay for at this point. I can't wait for flotrack to go out of business. It will be a great day for the running world.
Flotrack took something that would have been free and decided to make people pay a ridiculous price for it without making the product any better.
I see. We are using the word "free" in two different ways.
You are using free to mean that you didn't have to pay to obtain the product; it was given to you by Flotrack as a gift.
However, the production of that gift was never "free" to Flowtrack. Those people invested time and money. They paid in order to produce the product; then, they chose to make the product a gift to you. Actually people invested actual time and money to make something; in this sense, it was never "free."
The word "free" can be very tricky if you don't pay close attention to exactly how it is being used.
Also, Flotrack doesn't "make you pay" for their product. You can choose not to obtain the product.
Finally, when Flotrack goes out of business, you lose the option of obtaining this product. I'm not sure how that will be a great day for anyone.
Coach Jeff ROC wrote:
You are using free to mean that you didn't have to pay to obtain the product; it was given to you by Flotrack as a gift.
However, the production of that gift was never "free" to Flowtrack. Those people invested time and money. They paid in order to produce the product; then, they chose to make the product a gift to you. Actually people invested actual time and money to make something; in this sense, it was never "free."
The word "free" can be very tricky if you don't pay close attention to exactly how it is being used.
Also, Flotrack doesn't "make you pay" for their product. You can choose not to obtain the product.
Finally, when Flotrack goes out of business, you lose the option of obtaining this product. I'm not sure how that will be a great day for anyone.
Public universities are supported by tax payer money. We pay for these athletes already. However, I'm not asking to be able to watch Flotrack's crap for free; I just don't want them interfering with other people who would also like to record the races and post them.
This malarkey happens all the time; we pay the funding for R&D by government or university, some corporation buys the patents for it, and then charges us again. What's worse, they don't usually even do anything to improve the product; in fact, they make it worse by either suppressing it because it interferes with their existing business model, or cloud it in misinformation to sale it to people who don't benefit from it.
It's corruption. Flotrack is corrupt also, but they're small potatoes.
Your responses are full of stupid semantics.
The D1 championships were free before flotrack ever covered it on their site. If Flotrack didn't exist it would still be free. Are you this dumb in real life?