That’s okay. “Only two genders” is not inconsistent with trans and intersex women participation in women’ sport. Sounds like his speech writers are just denying the existence of non-binaries; either that or they are clueless as to what gender and sex mean.
isn‘t it fascinating though, that if you drag a population through a decade or so of gender nonsense, and then show them a possible return to a two-gender framework of humanity, we (some of us) are grateful and relieved.
It reminds me of people escaping from concentration camps, digging up a turnip and thinking it‘s the best food they‘ve ever tasted.
Doesn‘t it just show that we are now willing to put up with almost anything, so long as they will just stop shoving this panoply of genders thing down our throats?
That’s okay. “Only two genders” is not inconsistent with trans and intersex women participation in women’ sport. Sounds like his speech writers are just denying the existence of non-binaries; either that or they are clueless as to what gender and sex mean.
It does not matter whether Trump's speech writers know the difference.
It matters that their M@G@ loyalists believe this is somehow a YUGE victory for them.
"Yeah, we own the libs. Cry more !" Mission accomplished!
Emily Joffe and others at the Free Press have seen the EO and were briefed on it over the weekend. From what they've reported, the EO says "there are two sexes," not "there are only two genders."
Excerpts from Joffe's FP article:
It is becoming something of a presidential tradition to begin a term with sweeping directives regarding “gender identity.” President Biden, on his first day in office, demanded the federal government “review all existing orders, regulations, guidance documents, policies, programs, or other agency actions” that could impinge on transgender rights. Language and rules about transgender identities became embedded in the vast federal bureaucracy.
Now, Trump has ordered a reversal of all this. In an exclusive briefing with The Free Press, two senior officials provided a summary of the executive order. “Women deserve protections, they deserve dignity, they deserve fairness, they deserve safety,” said a senior policy adviser explaining why the order explicitly embraces the necessity of special treatment for women. “And so this is going to help establish that in federal policy and in federal laws.”
Here is what the order sets out: - The Executive Order establishes Government-wide the biological reality of two sexes and clearly defines male and female. - All radical gender ideology guidance, communication, policies, and forms are removed. - Agencies [of the federal government] will cease pretending that men can be women and women can be men when enforcing l[federal] aws that protect against sex discrimination. [Title IX is one of those laws.] - “Woman” means an “adult human female.”
The Executive Order directs that Government identification like passports and personnel records will reflect biological reality and not self-assessed gender identity.
The Executive Order ends the practice of housing men in women’s prisons and taxpayer funded “transition” for male prisoners.
The Executive Order ends the forced recitation of “preferred pronouns” and protects Americans’ First Amendment and statutory rights to recognize the biological and binary nature of sex.
This includes protection in the workplace and in federal funded entities like schools.
Asked why Trump is making sex-based policy a day one priority of his administration, an incoming senior administration official said, “This really was a defining issue of the campaign. The president is going to be fulfilling the promises he made on the trail.” T
he executive order puts it more bluntly: “Radical gender ideology has devastated biological truth and women’s safety and opportunity.”
In reading the order, it’s clear that lawsuits challenging the new directives will start stacking up quickly. The order, for example, asserts that “All radical gender ideology guidance, communication, policies, and forms are removed.”
This is far from mere symbolism. United States passports—which since 2022 have allowed citizens to choose “X” as their gender—will revert to offering exclusively male and female options, with the proviso that what people select must “reflect biological reality and not self-assessed gender identity.”
The executive order also “ends the forced recitation of ‘preferred pronouns’ and protects Americans’ First Amendment and statutory rights to recognize the biological and binary nature of sex.” When asked about how this would affect public universities, which are bound by the First Amendment’s free speech protections, the senior policy adviser said the U.S. attorney general will enforce these rights.
The task of the Trump administration now will be to promulgate rules implementing the order, which will affect people’s daily lives. It is inevitable that activist organizations will take these matters to court. The policy adviser said the administration is ready for litigation, predicting Trump will be “100 percent successful.”
The executive order does not address one of the most contentious areas of transgender activism: “gender-affirming care” for minors, meaning putting gender-distressed young people on a swift course to transition and lifetime medication. The Biden administration ardently supported such treatments, even as other Western nations began to restrict them, and dozens of U.S. states began to ban them.
This post was edited 2 minutes after it was posted.
It's really funny to me how people are so flexible with freedom. No one gives two steaming shermans when something is restricted they don't like but then will be some of the first to whine when something they do like is even suggested to be restricted in some way.
That’s okay. “Only two genders” is not inconsistent with trans and intersex women participation in women’ sport. Sounds like his speech writers are just denying the existence of non-binaries; either that or they are clueless as to what gender and sex mean.
I agree with you that Trump's speechwriters don't seem have the same understanding as you and I do about the meaning of sex and gender.
But from what the Free Press report says, the attorneys who've drafted the Executive Order on the topic that Trump is signing today clearly do.
The EO apparently refers to "the biological reality of two sexes" and the "binary nature of sex" - and also says that "woman means an adult human female."
As for Trump's speech, the passage that says
"As of today, it will henceforth be the official policy of the United States government that there are only two genders, male and female."
Is clearly using the word gender the way many people do, as a polite euphemism for biological sex - not as shorthand for gender identity.
This post was edited 1 minute after it was posted.
The Executive Order directs that Government identification like passports and personnel records will reflect biological reality and not self-assessed gender identity.
Looks like Alicia needs a new passport. Imagine the confusion at the airport when she presents a passport with "M" as her sex.
It's really funny to me how people are so flexible with freedom. No one gives two steaming shermans when something is restricted they don't like but then will be some of the first to whine when something they do like is even suggested to be restricted in some way.
It’s not funny at all. People have values and frameworks of values. The more they line up with government policies, the better.
Here is what the order sets out: - The Executive Order establishes Government-wide the biological reality of two sexes and clearly defines male and female. - All radical gender ideology guidance, communication, policies, and forms are removed. - Agencies [of the federal government] will cease pretending that men can be women and women can be men when enforcing l[federal] aws that protect against sex discrimination. [Title IX is one of those laws.] - “Woman” means an “adult human female.”
That will run up against Bostock vs Clayton County SCOTUS ruling’s interpretation of Title VII, so it’s not a done deal.
I don’t see anything concrete about bathroom use policy in what appears to be a draft outlining positions as opposed to the executive order itself.
”Forced recitation” by the state of preferred pronouns doesn’t exist anyway, so it’s a nothing burger.
isn‘t it fascinating though, that if you drag a population through a decade or so of gender nonsense, and then show them a possible return to a two-gender framework of humanity, we (some of us) are grateful and relieved.
It reminds me of people escaping from concentration camps, digging up a turnip and thinking it‘s the best food they‘ve ever tasted.
Doesn‘t it just show that we are now willing to put up with almost anything, so long as they will just stop shoving this panoply of genders thing down our throats?
Who is shoving what down your throat? I hear this all the time. Maybe you’re too sensitive about yourself
The vast majority of people want this craziness to stop, you are what your parents named you, it doen't matter what you identify as it's all about what you actually are, and everybody knows that fact,