skip to 11:10. Looks like he can lift another 10 more pounds. He was satisfied with his PR bench press I’m guessing. Can Jakob or Kerr lift more? I doubt Nuguse can do that lol.
This doesn't have any meaning outside of the simple statement that "Cole Hocker can bench 165."
Any one of his rivals can have this number if it's something they prioritize. It's most likely true that some of them would be able to do it with less effort than the others. But we'll never know.
That was pretty terrible form. With better leg placement and getting his shoulder blades pinched a bit more he could definitely go higher. There is absolutely no point in him focusing on that though.
Given that Kerr's father and brother are Rugby players, I would assume he has a bit more strength training and knowledge of better form. Kerr from a few years ago before he really slimmed down would likely go 185+ pretty easily.
165 as a max bench isn’t much. I’m pretty sure that my 12 year old daughter can max that on the bench. I’m betting that Hocker can max around 225. Most decently in shape athletes can do that.
165 as a max bench isn’t much. I’m pretty sure that my 12 year old daughter can max that on the bench. I’m betting that Hocker can max around 225. Most decently in shape athletes can do that.
165 as a max bench isn’t much. I’m pretty sure that my 12 year old daughter can max that on the bench. I’m betting that Hocker can max around 225. Most decently in shape athletes can do that.
Ok, I don’t ever go to video links posted on this forum unless there’s a time stamp provided. I went to time stamp in the video that was provided by the OP and I am SHOCKED. He really could only do 165. Are most runners really this weak? This seems like a really light amount for a max and seems more like an amount that he should be able to do 3 x 8-10 reps.
165 as a max bench isn’t much. I’m pretty sure that my 12 year old daughter can max that on the bench. I’m betting that Hocker can max around 225. Most decently in shape athletes can do that.
Pretty sure you are clueless about her, if she exists.
165 as a max bench isn’t much. I’m pretty sure that my 12 year old daughter can max that on the bench. I’m betting that Hocker can max around 225. Most decently in shape athletes can do that.
Pretty sure you are clueless about her, if she exists.
Yeah I would guess that less than 10% of 12 year old boys can bench 165.
He probably only weighs 145. Benching your body weight is probably enough for a runner.
a girl runner, maybe
No, benching your weight is enough for the purposes of running, even for a male. Certainly this is true if you race the mile or anything longer. For sprinters this may not suffice.
165 as a max bench isn’t much. I’m pretty sure that my 12 year old daughter can max that on the bench. I’m betting that Hocker can max around 225. Most decently in shape athletes can do that.
Your daughter can’t bench 165 and most decently shaped athletes under 185lbs aren’t benching 225.
Pretty sure you are clueless about her, if she exists.
Yeah I would guess that less than 10% of 12 year old boys can bench 165.
My middle school had a pretty serious (American) football program. We lifted a lot for 13 and 14 year olds. Only very few could do 165, I think the best was 185 or so by a very large lineman. Most of us hovered around 125–145.
Almost no 12 year old boy is benching 165 outside of freaks and those who somehow got into powerlifting.
Well. At least I got that on him. At my peak, I’d have a hard time keeping up with him for 800M in his 1500. Dude’s fast, but strong is not really an adjective I would use to describe him.