With their relationship at a breaking point, will Gnoza cut off Sage's Serious Runner appearances? Will Higher Running Survive the fallout?
With their relationship at a breaking point, will Gnoza cut off Sage's Serious Runner appearances? Will Higher Running Survive the fallout?
i think they're gonna make it. i do.
lol i don't think I qualify as a "big time Running Influencer"
Sage Kennedy is naive about business deals? There's a shocker.
Not saying Sage deserves this but isn’t this part of being in the influencer world. Maybe he is now seeing the negatives of “the game”, where he got the “glory days” when he started. Kind of like ultra running or gravel in cycling, everything changes and gets somewhat watered down with time.
All you're missing is a unicyclist filming you run a trail ultra.
Why even make a post about this? Sage is an attentionwhore
The drama! But I think Sage is calling out Kofuzi with that tweet. He was collaborating with him but then Kofuzi dumped him for the Runna app, presumably because Runna paid Kofuzi to be an "ambassador."
Ko used to come across as a normal, good guy. But something changed (or maybe i did) - I don't know, a year or two ago? Now he comes across as a bigger narcissist than trump and pretends he speaks for the whole running world.
I watched the coaching videos between Sage/Sandi and Kofuzi, and they were good. They were giving him good advise.
What I can't understand is somebody who pretends they're serious about running and race a marathon with one/two cameras and a f.... stick and talking all the time, and then complain their legs did not feel well. Clearly Kofuzi prioritses content over performance. To be an influencer, he has no clue on what he is doing.
Your move, Gnoza.
And even less so what it takes to be a runner. Can’t figure out why anyone would watch or listen to anything that Guy has to say, except maybe the extreme boredom of being locked in solitary confinement in a maximum security prison with a device locked on his channel.
Crazy that's the perception when dealing with narcissistic folks.
When BAA called out Serious runners Boston footage, I think everyone thought BAA were being overzealous d**ks. With hindsight it looks like potentially they were in right for trying to stop a slippery slope. I personally love watching running content on YT and Matt's actions are going to negative impact the content (as more events get stricter). Always one who takes it too far.
Just want to state some things for the record:
• The BAA's issue was with the video itself: "Footage captured along the race course is found to be in violation of the Boston Marathon's News Access Guidelines. Only official broadcast partners may capture and produce video from along the Boston Marathon route."
• I did run with a GoPro (no selfie-stick, not even a mini tripod) that I could fit in my fuel belt when I wasn't using it. I do not believe I was hindering anyone's race.
• The BAA has since cleaned up their language in their rules. GoPros are still allowed; selfies sticks are not. Footage is allowed "for personal use" (which seemingly does not include youtube channels)
Cheers for reply. I watched it when you first published it, so misremembered there gripe, just remember thinking they were idiots.
Just for record I never thought you have done anything wrong or to compramise someone else race. To add I also think your content is comedy gold.
IMHO if a race allows headphones, I'm absolutely fine with selfie sticks (including extendable). People with headphones I think is way more hazardous (for a variety of reasons, which I won't get on soap box right now to moan about).
That "bad experiences" story is pretty obviously referencing Kofuzi. Pure speculation here, but I'm guessing Kofuzi got too busy/overwhelmed with his sponsored world tour over the past year to deliver whatever he was supposed to deliver in exchange for Sage's coaching advice. (While watching that world tour, I was wondering how Kofuzi was staying on top of it all -- the pace of his travel and content production seemed absolutely exhausting and un-fun.)
The Serious Show on YouTube is really fkn funny. Keep them coming!
Educating an AI with the Letsrun forum is GOLD.
Thread should be retitled "Sage Canaday calls out Kofuzi"