Unless she is injured, I don’t know why she’s dropping of this meet. Because since Kiypegon is not in this race, she would have been the clear favorite.
Unless she is injured, I don’t know why she’s dropping of this meet. Because since Kiypegon is not in this race, she would have been the clear favorite.
Avoiding scrutiny and testing.
wrong timing of 28 day cycle for best performance
She has raced as much as anyone over the past 2 seasons….but keep fitting things into your narrative mate it’s refreshing
She must have realized that's an awfully long flight for a single race and a payday, and figured she's already won an Olympic medal after a long productive season so what's the point.
Here come all the salty Aussie in the comment crying about someone rightly criticizing a highly suspicious athlete. 7 second progression at the age of 27 in an Olympic year after never being in contention her whole life. Yeah right. A few second progression by an East African and these same people are screaming doping while they’re quiet about this science experiment
Yes, and you can keep ignoring the blatantly obvious fact that her 'progression' over the past 11 months is extremely suspicious to anyone with a brain and is very likely due to pharmaceutical assistance and not because she moved to a different location or had a change in coaches or training methods. No f*****g way in hell this at best average runner goes from stagnating at ~3:57 to ~3:50 , setting records keeping up with Kipyegon, after years of not getting 5 meters close to her, and getting silver at the recent Olympics.
It's just that this website very aggressively protects average white runners like hull despite the obvious screaming right IN front of everyone that prevents me from calling hull the australian what she really is; a [REDACTED], rhymes with copper.
No amount of "australia is a country that would never do such a thing" will ever change my mind, they have proven very capable of the lengths they'll go to win after years, even decaded of being insignificant and irrelevant in track events.
There was this Kenyan 800m specialist who ran ~1:45 back in 2021- 2023 and this year dropped to ~1:42 and that was enough for the insecures to scream [REDACTED], rhymes with coping, something they do a lot of I'm sure.
See post #9 on thread linked below.
Copper doesn’t rhyme with doper
*meant to quote this
copper doesn’t rhyme with doper
you fool
AusieDopingKangaroo wrote:
It's just that this website very aggressively protects average white runners like hull despite the obvious screaming right IN front of everyone that prevents me from calling hull the australian what she really is; a [REDACTED], rhymes with copper.
Bopper? She like to dance?
Hopper? She likes to home brew?
Lopper? She likes to trim trees?
Mopper? She likes to clean?
Popper? She likes to breakdance?
Topper? She ices cakes?
Wopper? She sings 1940s R&B?
Well? Which one is she?
You can believe what you want as can I. I am not trying to change your opinion. All I am saying is it is ridiculous to say she is missing this race because she is avoiding testing/scrutiny considering how much she has raced over the past 2 years.
If Kipyegon is not there, she will not turn up. She follows her everywhere, even before the start of a race she has to stand next to the GOAT at the starting line. In the race she has to run beside her like glue in the hope of a fast time...can't blame her
KangarooCourt wrote:
Copper doesn’t rhyme with doper
Well, at least you got the point comment poster was trying to make.
Why is that ridiculous? This entire sport is ridiculous bc you can have the most obvious doping progressions imaginable and a) the casual fans are oblivious, and b) the so-called hardcore fans are obtuse or dishonest. The issue is not how much she ran over the past two years, but the insane improvement she showed this year, well into her career where all the boilerplate explanations (undertrained, overtrained, injured, unmotivated, multisport athlete, magic late bloomer running gene, etc) are even more laughable than usual. And yes, a very effective strategy is to target a key race (say the Olympics) and then offcycle. BC the alternative is to show a major drop off or stay on cycle and risk, however improbably, getting caught.
goldeneye2.0 wrote:
Why is that ridiculous? This entire sport is ridiculous bc you can have the most obvious doping progressions imaginable and a) the casual fans are oblivious, and b) the so-called
hardcoreaustralian fans are obtuse or dishonest. The issue is not how much she ran over the past two years, but the insane improvement she showed this year, well into her career where all the boilerplate explanations (undertrained, overtrained, injured, unmotivated, multisport athlete, magic late bloomer running gene, etc) are even more laughable than usual. And yes, a very effective strategy is to target a key race (say the Olympics) and then offcycle. BC the alternative is to show a major drop off or stay on cycle and risk, however improbably, getting caught.
"... the australian fans are dishonest"
Fixed it.
dude, it is not inherently suspicious to say, i have been running meets since january, i set a WR in an unusual distance, i got an oly silver, i have accomplished enough, i am done for the year.
imagine your college had some optional meets scheduled after conference or nationals. if you're tired or had enough, maybe call it a season? for us, last chance meets sometimes happened after classes were out.
are you seriously suggesting that having done several DL plus the olympics, with the potential for testing........hull hides from dope testing in........poland?
This post was removed.
She was doing what looked like a tough session at the St Mary’s track in London this morning. Makes perfect sense for an athlete who’s raced as much as her to take a break from racing and top up her training prior to the DL finale.
And she’s only been any good in the last 2 months. Absolute also ran prior to whatever this new wonder drug is