Bob Hayes, Henry Carr, Ollie Matson, Johnny Jones, Michael Bates, Sam Graddy, Ron Brown, Frank Budd, Ray Norton, Jeff Demps, Larry Burton, Gerald Tinker, James Jett, were all Olympic sprinters who also played NFL football.
Larance Jones one of the top 400m cats in the world a sub 45.0 returned punts for the Redskins.
James Owens Olympic 110 medalist a Niner runnng back
Jerry Tarr the top ranked hurdler in the world a Bronco WR.
Little Bubby Young NCAA/USA 100 Champ a Colt.
I'd say a sub 9,5/10.20 woud be world class jets, so....
JD Hill, Travis Williams, Isacc Curtis, Mel Gray, Cliff Banch, Willie McGee, Butch Woolfolk, Homer Jones, Renaldo Nehemiah, Mark Duper, O.J.Simpson, James Trapp, Michael Bennett, Curtis Dickey, Tyreek Hill, Jamaal Charles, Darrell Green, Willie Gault, Mike Miller, Joe Delaney, James Trapp, Trindon Holliday, Jacoby Ford,Alvis Whitted, Anthony Schartz
Thinking RGIII needs to rethink things
Who can forget Bluffton's Elbert "Golden Wheels" Dubenion the Buffalo Bill and the fastest man in the old AFL.