Yared Nuguse ran from the front throughout and used a strong kick to fend off Mohamed Katir in winning the 1500m in 3:33.69Website: http://flosports.link/3p2...
Nuguse left Madrid with a huge win over Mo Katir of Spain.*LetsRun.com the home of the pro running fan*• Homepage: https://www.letsrun.com/• Check out our fo...
This is a better run for Grant than the 3k. Maybe indicating there was some first race off the plane type stuff. At slight altitude, a 3:34 low type effort even given he trains at altitude a fair bit?
Went out like maniac. Just unhinged pacing from Sowinski. 54!
To be able to get caught after a first lap at 3:20 pace and then still have enough to outkick Katir and Mechaal, who ran much more smartly paced races, shows how fit Nuguse is. He could have been 3:31-high at altitude today or 3:30-low at sea level with ideal pacing.
Nice win for Nuguse. He also got the experience of going out in 55. They said the rabbit was too fast but he was 54. and so that puts Nuguse 55 point at altitude.
Stayed composed when he got passed and had the nice kick at the end for the win.
Grant had a really good run for him. I wouldn't expect him to be that close to Nuguse in a time trial race. Nice PB at altitude.
Thinks it just goes to show last week for Grant was an off day. Guy had basically 2 years of good races with the latter year being phenomenal. Was probably due for eh one.
He just ran this smart and wait for the pace up top to come back. Nice to see him in some international races this winter and he be ready for worlds for sure.
The winning time was about 2 second off the world record. Imagine in outdoor these guys are running 3:28. It was a fast race, you're just ignorant.
Lol. It's Nuguse fan math. Not surprised. Normal folks would have calculated it as 3+ seconds but hey when you got your Nuguse glasses on you see things differently. Also, Kejelcha ran 3:30 indoors and there was similar hoopla around him as the next big thing. Loads of hyperbole and adulation. How did that turn out when it came for the real thing? Ya, we know
Jakob also ran 3:30 indoors and went on to finish second and first in the 15 and 5k at world champs. Plenty of examples for people that burnt out and excelled after a good indoor season. All it means if you have a good indoor season is that you are competitve that indoor season and have momentum going into outdoor, NOT that you will certainly fail or succeed
after recent results from them both + the pace they went out at, that felt very underwhelming
That was the problem. They were out in 54 mid. Classic 800 guy rabbiting. Nuguse also got jostled at the beginning and overreacted to get up behind Sowinski so I imagine his first 200 was 26 low or something
Should've come through in 56.5-57.0 then squeezed, especially given very mild altitude. The only way to make 2000 feet matter is to go out too hard.