crazy fast year for the college guys in the mile amirite
crazy fast year for the college guys in the mile amirite
Why is this thread linked on the homepage? It has generated no interest.
A bit too fast for a proper Centrowitzed race. You gotta hit 800m in 2:16+
MGR perfectly executed the Centrowitz strategty. Established the lead. Set the pace. Defended the lead and never relinqueshed it.
Michael Kiske wrote:
MGR perfectly executed the Centrowitz strategty. Established the lead. Set the pace. Defended the lead and never relinqueshed it.
You forgot the part where the handed him the same hardware and title as it he ran 'fast'.
hani saleem wrote:
Michael Kiske wrote:
MGR perfectly executed the Centrowitz strategty. Established the lead. Set the pace. Defended the lead and never relinqueshed it.
You forgot the part where the handed him the same hardware and title as it he ran 'fast'.
Translation, please.
TOEFL wrote:
hani saleem wrote:
You forgot the part where the handed him the same hardware and title as it he ran 'fast'.
Translation, please.
Who gives a sh!t if he ran slow or fast - he won! They hand out the same same hardware and title regardless of time.
3k was the same
Jojo\'s bizarre a**##le wrote:
A bit too fast for a proper Centrowitzed race. You gotta hit 800m in 2:16+
....Don't forget about the 50 second 400 close against Makhloufi, Kiprop and Souliman.
Were those "slow" guys in the Mile on Saturday?
Oh yeah, that's right, the 1:41 & 3:26 guys weren't in the race Saturday, nor was a 50 second close, so I would say, no, it was not properly "Centrowitz'd"