Headed to FINAL.
Headed to FINAL.
Top two favorites are out so hes got an outside chance, but Ashe is favorite now.
is there any vids of the races yet?
Dont know…. Just paid $6 to watch it for one month.
Got the SEC championship and now the NCAA championships and then just cancel the subscription
Hard to argue against him being a legit sub 10 threat now, even in something like "still" conditions. Though he seems to lack some consistency with his start, so maybe he's still behind the right ball due to that.
Weird that Micah false started.
I've always considered him a "finisher" but DANG. He could legit win it if he'd get off the line better in the final.
bannnnned i got wrote:
is there any vids of the races yet?
60 isn't uploaded, but here's the others
His drive phase appears to be better, as if he stays low more effectively. Just my impression.
This was a well-executed 60m by Boling, not just the first 60 of his 100, which is why he PB’d. He really hit it, and put everything through the line.
Def room for improvement off the blocks and first 3 steps, but very nice. This indicates 10-flat ability for him in still conditions, and obv sub-10 with a breeze, IMO.
Too bad Micah is out...was it a real fs?
Thank you for that analysis! 10 flat would be fun to watch this summer. We’ll see, he’s not really elite yet, and probably not even the best college runner in the country. Maybe he can break through this year and improve.
G league time. Plus it looks like hes peaking early this season too.
OozmaKappa wrote:
G league time. Plus it looks like hes peaking early this season too.
You act like the 60 world lead isn't held by a collegiate, who was in Bolings heat.
Who false started...
I'm rooting for the guy but it appears he peaks for indoors since college. He will be beat by a few guys he clubs here outdoors. How are we supposed to believe he's clean? There's a lot of Texas athletes who get on the gear in high school to get a scholarship and continue saucing in college.
You really can’t “believe” anything one way or another, until you have a lot of data—and even then you can only be convinced of the high-level obvious users. The lesser performers you just have to assume are clean, as a starting point, and keep an open mind, and watch carefully.
When he busts 9.80 or better, I will believe he’s using—which is not to say that he is now clean. lol everybody knows how strict the testing is in the NCAA. BUT all of his times thus far have been, to my mind, achievable cleanly by the best athletes. MAYBE he is one of them.
But there is always someone like Donovan Powell, 6.51/10.07, banned for a stimulant. Who knows. Many just don’t care anymore.
Really great to see Matt making big improvements in the 60m. He'll turn 22 in June and sprinters tend to peak age 22/23 like Usain Bolt did. Now is Matt's time to shine. Hopefully he can translate his new explosiveness into the outdoor 100/200. There is a ton of competition for the US Worlds team. Erriyon Knighton just turned 18, to name one. It still seems Matt has the most potential in the 400.
I think that if that was true, that it would be his event.
I like him at the 200, but the comp is deep—Bednarek, Knighton, Lyles, Kerley, Norman?, Coleman if he runs it... Just look at the Olympic final and medalists, where is there room for Boling? Super-stacked.
But the 100 is equally brutal—CC, Baker, Lyles, Kerley, etc. He might have an outside shot at a relay spot, because he finishes well—but still, super-stacked.
The 400 will also be stacked if Kerley runs it again! The US is really going to crush the men’s sprints this year.
They are all in tough.
Kobbs Hessler wrote:
Really great to see Matt making big improvements in the 60m. He'll turn 22 in June and sprinters tend to peak age 22/23 like Usain Bolt did. Now is Matt's time to shine. Hopefully he can translate his new explosiveness into the outdoor 100/200. There is a ton of competition for the US Worlds team. Erriyon Knighton just turned 18, to name one. It still seems Matt has the most potential in the 400.
I think the 200 is his sweet spot, not the 400. What top 400m specialists could run a 6.56? If he has a better start he could flirt with 6.50. His start could hold him back in the 100, but his top-end speed is world class. He has definitely bulked up and that won't do him any favors in the 400. If 400 was his sweet spot he would be able to put together a decent 600 and I don't see that happening from a 6.56 guy.
You are forgetting Terrance Laird and Jaylen Slade from the list of 200M threats. I don't see Boling beating these 7. The only one he may beat in the 200M is Coleman, but not Lyles, Kerley, Bednarek, Slade, Knighton, Norman. nor Laird.
Welp. I guess he should just quit, huh? Or move up to the 800...or if we're really being honest, the HM.