So Nike this week released an ad on social media ( where conveniently you can go viral and get a ton of publicity without paying for it) glorifying pregnant female athletes. Some including Alysia Montaño are stunned by Nike's gall. Afterall, Nike is a company that until recently wasn't paying it's pregnant female stars. In her mind they are claiming " leading the charge in empowering women in all areas" and she finds this fact to be "infuriating."
Montaño wrote:
"It is infuriating to watch them [Nike] be so dismissive of their damages and now claim to be leading the charge in empowering women in all areas. I’m so grateful for this positive cycle of change in empowering us to use our voices with other women standing up for change, thus helping women know they are valued and their experiences are valid. Yes. We want Nike to sponsor athletes And support them through pregnancy, and thereafter, but we want them to acknowledge the fight and the struggle that it took to get them to make a change. We DO NOT WANT them to use our women to make money and while doing so forcing their athletes that have been mistreated to post advertisements as a way of sweeping their struggles under the rug. Gaslight much? "
So Nike recently released an ad on social media ( where conveniently you can go viral and get a ton of publicity without paying for it) glorifying pregnant female athletes. Some including Alysia Montano are stunned by Nike's gall. For a compnay that until recently wasn't paying it's pregnant female stars to try to " claim to be leading the charge in empowering women in all areas" is infuriating to Montano.[/quote]
Here is Montaño's full post: is the ad: