$200,017 LRC Running Warehouse USAs Track Prediction Contest Is Here!
by LetsRun.com
June 20, 2017
You can check your scores/change your picks here.
*Click here if you have a login already and want to get started
The USA Track and Field National Championships are Thursday through Sunday in Sacramento, California.
Not only will they be crowing the national champions, but they will be selecting the team for the World Championships in London this August.
The $200,017 LRC Running Warehouse Prediction Contest will make USAs even more interesting.
The contest is quite simple. You don’t need a lot of knowledge of track and field to play and we encourage you to invite your friends to play in a group. You pick the top 3 in all the running events at the Trials + a few select field events. We score your picks as the Trials go on and eventually determine a winner.
We give you a list of the top entrants with a picking guide, so everyone has a chance. A 13 year old won our Marathon Trials contest.
Thanks to Running Warehouse and New Balance we’ve got some great prizes. And since this is the Trials, we’re giving the same prizes to 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
1st Place- $100 Running Warehouse Gift Certificate + New Balance shoe of your choice from RunningWarehouse.com
2nd Place- $100 Running Warehouse Gift Certificate + New Balance shoe of your choice from RunningWarehouse.com
3rd Place- $100 Running Warehouse Gift Certificate + New Balance shoe of your choice from RunningWarehouse.com
The winners need to be from the US. (If you’re not from the US we’ll try and work something out).
Running Warehouse has sponsored all of our contests for the last year and is THE place to go when you want to buy running shoes online. Former US World Champs 10k runner Scott Bauhs helps put together all the prizes for our contests.
Perfect Ballot Bonuses
$2,017 Perfect Distance Ballot: 1 winner maximum (if more than 1 winner, they will split $20,016). A perfect distance ballot means you pick first, second and third in the correct order for all the distance events (men’s and women’s 800, 1500, 5000, 10000 and steeple) in the contest.
$200,017 Perfect Ballot: Paid out over 10 years. 1 winner maximum (if more than one winner they will split the prize). A perfect ballot means you pick first, second, and third in the correct order for all the events in the contest.
How It Works *Click here if you have a login already and want to get started
*Click here if you need a login
We have a feature that allows you to change your picks up until about 10 minutes before a particular event is scheduled to start.
The first events in the contest close at 8:00 pm Eastern on Thursday, so get your picks in by then.
Also, you don’t have to fill in all of your picks at once.
The scoring is as follows:
- Each person that you correctly pick to finish in the top 3 = 1 point.
It doesn’t matter if you actually get the pick exactly right. If you pick someone for 1st and they finish 3rd you still get the point. Vice versa is true as well. If you pick them to get third and they get third, it’s still only one point. - Each event winner picked correctly = 3 more points (you pick someone for first and they get first, that’s 4 total points).
- Each event picked perfectly – All three picks: 1st, 2nd, and 3rd in the right order = 2 more points (here the order is key).
Do you understand the rules fully? The following example should explain any questions you have. If you pick 1st, 2nd, and 3rd correctly in any event in the proper order, it is 3 points (1 point for each person in the top 3) + 3 points (for getting the winner correct) + 2 points (bonus for perfect pick of top 3 in order) = 8 points.
The more points the better.
Play in a Group vs. Your Friends
In our contest, you can create your own group and play against your friends.
Oh yeah, only one entry per person. No computerized/mechanical entries. I’m sure we should have a bunch of legal stuff here. How about this: your picks and your login name are not private and may be displayed on our website. And we’re not responsible if the free contest gets cancelled for any reason including if our database crashes. If the contest is cancelled, the prizes will not be awarded. We’ll do our best to keep everything running smoothly. The top 3 in any event are final when we determine them at the end of the meet and this may not be the ultimate final top 3 (mainly due to drug busts in the future). Additionally, this contest is obviously void where prohibited by law – which states and countries that is, we don’t know. Also you need to be of the right minimum age, which we’ll say is 15 to be safe. No purchase necessary. And yes, we can win our own contest. If we beat you, you’ll hear about it for sure. The $20,016 and $200,016 prize is the sole responsibility of LetsRun.com.
This contest is in no way affiliated with USATF.
*And we’ll try to keep events open until 10 minutes before each event, but we’re not guaranteeing anything.
Please note: For tie-breaking purposes, we’ll first look at the number of 1st places correctly chosen. If there’s still a tie, we’ll look at the number of 2nd places correctly chosen, and then if need be, the number of 3rd places correctly chosen. If there still is a tie, we’ll conduct a random drawing.
Get Started
Sound easy? Then get started.
Click here if you have a login already
Click here if you need a login
You’ll be able to login and check your scores during the contest. You need a LetsRun.com login to play. If you have any questions, email us at letsrun@letsrun.com.
If you like this contest, remember spread the word on Facebook!
Thanks to RunningWarehouse and New Balance for sponsoring our contest. They’re the most knowledgeable people out there on running shoes and have free two-day shipping AND free returns.