zoom waffle xc?
Let me guess...Vaporfly Next% ?
2nd place Skyler Wallace was wearing Brooks
Although 5th place Sofia Abrego appears to be wearing the next % 9th place Abby Kendrick is also wearing vaporflys place Charlie Robertson also in next %, can't tell what shoe Mateo Althouse is wearing but it looks like the vaporfly believe that's Ignatius Fitzgerald in the next %
Isn’t the effect on a 5k trivial? Also the speed ratings for these runners were very pedestrian. Evidence would be outlier numbers from them in the shoes, no?
Better question on a surface like is what is their track times.
So everyone was wearing identical kit so only difference was form and fitness you say?
What shoes were the stragglers wearing?
Matbar wrote:
So everyone was wearing identical kit so only difference was form and fitness you say?
Ha ha, level playing field! Excellent.
I don't really check in here regularly anymore having tired of that brojo / Greg nonsense but I was thinking just the other day that once the overflowing river of evidence through broken records, etc becomes simply too embarrassing even for the apologists to counter then their "argument" would turn to "well at least it's a level playing field". And here we are.
Yet, of course, that is nonsense because they allow people with poor form and efficiency to complete efficiently against people who either naturally or through dedicated training have superior form. In other words they allow them to cheat.