On the same course where 58:23 was set by by Eritrea’s Zerzenay
2015 is bad year for Mo's haters , MothaF gonna be diagnosed with high blood pressure some will even have strokes n heart attacks LOL
On the same course where 58:23 was set by by Eritrea’s Zerzenay
2015 is bad year for Mo's haters , MothaF gonna be diagnosed with high blood pressure some will even have strokes n heart attacks LOL
Hard to believe considering Mo can't even beat his pacers for a HM.
Learn to type.
tony the tiger wrote:
On the same course where 58:23 was set by by Eritrea’s Zerzenay
2015 is bad year for Mo's haters , MothaF gonna be diagnosed with high blood pressure some will even have strokes n heart attacks LOL
I bet they would rather be diagnosed with thyroid problems.
tony the tiger wrote:
On the same course where 58:23 was set by by Eritrea’s Zerzenay
2015 is bad year for Mo's haters , MothaF gonna be diagnosed with high blood pressure some will even have strokes n heart attacks LOL
Where did you hear this? Source?
tony the tiger wrote:
On the same course where 58:23 was set by by Eritrea’s Zerzenay
2015 is bad year for Mo's haters , MothaF gonna be diagnosed with high blood pressure some will even have strokes n heart attacks LOL
Only person that needs to worry about strokes and heart attacks is Mo.
How did that last half turn out?
Will Driouch be pacing? Will he be pacing for 13 miles?
Exactly. Too high of blood viscosity to begin with exacerbated by dehydration equals dead athletes. Hope he learned his lesson.
"sorry i didn't catch that over the sound of all the gold medals around my neck clanking together. come again?"
yes, mo'ego has won. he can cheat with women because many of them they love the sound of gold (gold-diggers).
halfy wrote:
tony the tiger wrote:On the same course where 58:23 was set by by Eritrea’s Zerzenay
2015 is bad year for Mo's haters , MothaF gonna be diagnosed with high blood pressure some will even have strokes n heart attacks LOL
Where did you hear this? Source?
He didn't hear it anywhere. Everytime Mo is running a race, tony the tiger comes on here claiming Mo is going for the world record.
All apply, and then mo' wrote:
"sorry i didn't catch that over the sound of all the gold medals around my neck clanking together. come again?"
yes, mo'ego has won. he can cheat with women because many of them they love the sound of gold (gold-diggers).
What is with your obsession with Mo's love life? Seems to me that that is Mo's business as well as that of those he is intimately involved with. Are you intimately involved with Mo?
Hate to Say it wrote:
All apply, and then mo' wrote:"sorry i didn't catch that over the sound of all the gold medals around my neck clanking together. come again?"
yes, mo'ego has won. he can cheat with women because many of them they love the sound of gold (gold-diggers).
What is with your obsession with Mo's love life? Seems to me that that is Mo's business as well as that of those he is intimately involved with. Are you intimately involved with Mo?
why are so obsessed with Mo's love life!?
"What is with your obsession with Mo's love life? Seems to me that that is Mo's business as well as that of those he is intimately involved with. Are you intimately involved with Mo?"
Lol, a Mo fanboy chirps in. The obsession is entirely yours. I pointed out has been obvious since the dawn of man. Men with power and money, have women who want to be with them simply for that.
Mo spends a lot of "away" from his family. Mo makes a huge amount of money. Do the maths; it's easy.
15 men have ever broken 59 minutes.
Has Mo even broken 60?
Is Mo going for the WR, or someone else in the field? All the articles I read said the field is going for the WR, not Mo specifically. He might just be going for a fast time.
tony the tiger wrote:
It's no secret the field is attempting a world record so when you combine that with Mo's recent interview about attacking world records this year ..do the math buds
Mo will DNF worse than Rupp and Centro combined if he attempts that pace.
His slow half marathon ability almost three years, multiple half marathons and a full marathon post-2012, show how watered down the Olympic 10,000 was for a guy of his caliber to win. 15 guys under 59, hundreds under 1:00 and a 1:00 guy is "Olympic champion"? Please.
That is the old Mo you talking about , 2015 Mo is chasing time, buddy
Mo is not going to break the world record but I think he will better his time of 1 hour , say 59.21
http://www.letsrun.com/forum/flat_read.php?thread=6341791Tony the tit wrote:
halfy wrote:Where did you hear this? Source?
He didn't hear it anywhere. Everytime Mo is running a race, tony the tiger comes on here claiming Mo is going for the world record.
Thank you very much
Mo Farah is a Stud
Can't wait for Sunday and Mo's 2nd world record in 4 weeks
I also cant wait for the strokes n heart attacks that will run thru Lets run fourmers like wild fire LOL
I couldn't keep up with Mo in Ethiop eventhoug i'm on that hot sauce