Things have really gone downhill. Does anyone actually fall for the front page anymore?
Even the quote of the day has "Perhaps You Were Looking For ... This Page? (Our real homepage)."
Things have really gone downhill. Does anyone actually fall for the front page anymore?
Even the quote of the day has "Perhaps You Were Looking For ... This Page? (Our real homepage)."
it got me, but i'm bangalangadanga and i generally suck.
yeah this years was terribly obvious
It's not real?
By now, people expect it.
So they are just making the headlines for fun, not to actually fool anyone.
They should have done it a day early. That would have caught a few out!
Were you expecting to be fooled? Were you not fooled? Did this leave you disappointed?
I don't know about everyone else, but I thought that the "meet the LRCer who had sex with SFH" was pretty good.
I thought Robert was a little soft with the "Our real homepage" give away. So I've removed that part.
Most people should figure it out fairly quickly. The last few years instead of going with 1 or 2 fake articles and the rest real, we've gone all fake.
My highlight this year was Truth is Stranger than Fiction.
3 Years ago we had as a fake article the US and UK were going to stop sending teams to World XC. Now the US is getting silver.
I thought it was great. Loved the wikipedia link to April Fools day.
I thought the "truth is stranger than fiction" part was awesome. Pretty crazy when you sit back and think about the things that happened.
The bring back the mile guys did a pretty good one (like the brojos would do before they were married):
Agreed. It would be better if they did stuff that was believable, eg entire US distance Olympic Team tests positive, Alan Webb is retired, etc.
I don't know why my thread got deleted, but it would have been absolutely hilarious if the quote of the day was about a Maklhouffi and Iguider testing positive
The world half marathon championships are biannual now, so the next one won't be until 2014
Just one question though, did a LR poster actually bang SFH?
Do the overseers of this place have dreams about ped use too? Peds seem to consume their whole lives based on the front page most days.