Anyone else see Jenkins pull on Erassa's singlet with 200 to go? Dirty.
Anyone else see Jenkins pull on Erassa's singlet with 200 to go? Dirty.
Didn't look dirty to me...I thought he was trying to pass Erassa on the inside and realized he didn't have enough room, put his hand on Erassa's back (so he didn't clip or run him over) and then moved to pass him on the outside.
I heard the commentators mention there was a yellow card in the 3k but there has been no mention of it since.
During the race and on the replay it looked like a grab to me. It will be interesting to see it again.
Come on mayne wrote:
Anyone else see Jenkins pull on Erassa's singlet with 200 to go? Dirty.
Its always tough to tell but to me it looked like it was Kemoy Campbell causing trouble for both of those guys: knocked Jenkins (who then flailed a little at Erassa) and tripped up Erassa.
No one was beating Lalang but it might have been a fraction of a second closer
Yep. Jenkins got the DQ
What's your source?
NU XC Alum wrote:
What's your source?
I don't see it, if anything I thought he was cut off.
The results are only up in the "last completed event" section so far. But it says Eric Jenkins DQ for impeeding
wow that's bull. I feel really bad for Jenkins. He had a lot of momentum trying to start his kick and had to put his hand out to avoid clipping most likely.
superawesomness wrote:
Yep. Jenkins got the DQ
Wow I feel really, really bad for him. He ran a hard, gutsy, BALLSY, was pretty much perfect. I think Erassa may have gotten away with a little embellishment IMO.
Really, too bad. He deserved that second place finish.
Is this even a situation they can appeal?
I am hoping that he can. It didn't look like he started/initiated any contact.
bad call....Jenkins ran gentlemanly....on the last lap...he when wide to give everyone their space, it wasnt his fault an inside runner tripped up and Jenkins had to avoid falling by putting his hand out....
Bull. He didn't cause anything. Ran a gutsy race and earned that 2nd place.
Only respectable whitey gets bounced. Weak!!
Watch the replay when it comes up guys, there was grabage. Good call.
jenkins gets robbed, try looking at what happens in Europe. This was nothing. He's 2nd in my book.
bad dq
How can you impede from behind?