Chris Solinsky chimes in:
Craven, though I think your attempt at writing a literary masterpiece of two approaches to coaching was well intended for its overall theory, you went about it completely the wrong way. As Mick has said to me in a conversation it is a Badger FAMILY, and you deliberately drug Jerry through the mud, by including that quote. Whether or not Jerry actually said it I will not debate because I was not there, but was it really necessary to the theme of the opinion piece? Was it worth making Jerry look like a pompous ass? You, I and the rest of the Badger family know that he DOES NOT drink, so why go to a bar with the other coaches that are. Maybe he said that to you to come off as sarcastic and cynical to create a laugh from you as he knows all his athletes well enough to know that is the person you are and that it would get a laugh or reaction from you. You also know that Jerry is not a pompous ass, he is quite the contrary, he is a very social person to athletes and other coaches alike, I'm pretty sure that is what got you to come to UW in the first place. Yes, Jerry and Mick have different approaches and different styles, but no one can argue that both are very successful. The Badger family has loved Jerry for what he has done and we also love Mick for what he has done, the current Badger squad is very good and very tough, I would hope that they do stay loose and bring home the title back to UW. The entire Badger family will be cheering them on. If there is anyone to blame for our shortcomings at those national championship meets it is those of us that ran them, for being too arrogant and overconfident going into them. Jerry was the one who tried to keep us humble and hungry heading into them, not too wound up. Maybe we were too loose thinking it would be easy. I would argue that a team must have a sense of tension and focus going in to not take the field for granted. I would also say that our shortcomings in 2006 was my fault as I abandoned a team strategy given to me by Jerry to pursue my own individual glory. Don't publicly blame Jerry for these. That being said, I know that many of the Portland Badger family have lost a lot of respect for you not about the article, but about the way you decided to treat Jerry, someone that is very important to us and many Badgers across the US, including myself. The man gave you a chance, he gave you a scholarship and pursue a reputable education, and this is the way you thank him?!? Next time you try to further whatever career you are pursuing off of the back of someone you are putting down I suggest that you think again and think better of it.