Pathetic insult. 4:33 in Boulder converts to 4:26, better than her 4:28 pb from Feb 2023. Still, it doesn't indicate whether or not she can stack up injury-free training weeks going forward. In 2019, Coburn opened the year with 4:32 in Boston and clocked a 9:02 steeple at the end of the summer. In 2023, she never ran faster than 9:13. A strong 8:3X next month would add some heft to her 2025 debut.
it's good to see her healthy. also, kinda seems like she's fishing for some MOM attention. I don't blame her. It's a weird world we're living in when that's something that can sort of be monetized.
it's good to see her healthy. also, kinda seems like she's fishing for some MOM attention. I don't blame her. It's a weird world we're living in when that's something that can sort of be monetized.
Does anyone have a link to the field house records? Note that the new track is just 2 years old. How much faster did Jenny Simpson run faster on the old Balch track? Note though she was sub 4 for outdoors in college.
it's good to see her healthy. also, kinda seems like she's fishing for some MOM attention. I don't blame her. It's a weird world we're living in when that's something that can sort of be monetized.
Another beta boy loser that is afraid of women and threatened by them 🤭
it's good to see her healthy. also, kinda seems like she's fishing for some MOM attention. I don't blame her. It's a weird world we're living in when that's something that can sort of be monetized.
Another beta boy loser that is afraid of women and threatened by them 🤭
Great to see her running this year and hopefully until 2028 or longer, Some were calling her to retire on a thread a few months ago, I am glad she is going.
That is a great and unexpected result. I love to see it! 4:33.13 in Boulder is worth about 4:26-27, according to the NCAA altitude conversion (about 6-7 seconds for a performance like this). This is close to her best all-time for 1500m/mile, which I believe is her 4:32.72 at Grand Junction, Colorado in 2020. Her official pr is 4:28.8 in 2023 at the Track in Boston. Her 3k flat pr is 8:39 from 2021. I think she's got a good chance to beat that indoors this year.