INFO L'ÉQUIPE. Des agents de l'Office central de lutte contre les atteintes à l'environnement et à la santé publique (OCLAESP), également en charge de la lutte anti-dopage, ont effectué des perquisitions au sein du village ol...
Well, it was probably tainted cheese and I will tell you why.
In some parts of the world, you will walk around barren fields, see a bunch of cows and try to avoid stepping on their poops. Even more striking is the obvious smell of cannabis. You guessed it. Cows ate that sort of stuff for ever. What else do they eat? Most countries do not have the equivalent of the FDA ensuring that "food" is raised in inhumane conditions. Cows can eat a lot of stuff. Goats too.
Now dare to take a trip through some of the sub-saharan countries and you will see how it is utterly ridiculous to hold those athletes to the same standards. Sure, Algeria is decades ahead but one still eats what's on the table if there is a table and if there is something/anything on it. So, cut them all some slack or allow them all to train in the US and fund that.
Were you born yesterday. They either are acting on a tip OR Sedjati has a recent drug test that had suspicious results. It’s most likely the former - a whistleblower.
This article has really no details as far as I can tell.
They say an investigation was conducted and that's it?
Also, why was he targeted by this investigation specifically?
Were you born yesterday. They either are acting on a tip OR Sedjati has a recent drug test that had suspicious results. It’s most likely the former - a whistleblower.
Born in 1993.
Where did you hear they were acting on a top or that there were suspicious results? I'm interested in reading more.
Sedjati would not be doping in the Olympic 2 weeks. no chance he brought doping paraphernalia with him that they could raid.
If he gets caught using current tests available it will be biological passport from before the games, which would disqualify him.
If he gets caught for something in his system from the olympic testing it will not be for 5-10 years when that new test becomes available for the delayed testing program.
Sedjati would not be doping in the Olympic 2 weeks. no chance he brought doping paraphernalia with him that they could raid.
And the wrestler wouldn't have grabbed a woman's ass... and another athlete wouldn't have tried to purchase cocaine. You'd be surprise what some people do. Sedjati pretty much guaranteed he was going to set the world record tonight. How could he produce such a result after rounds when he'd never run that fast before? Microdosing is a very real possibility. Never say never with anyone.
And the wrestler wouldn't have grabbed a woman's ass... and another athlete wouldn't have tried to purchase cocaine. You'd be surprise what some people do. Sedjati pretty much guaranteed he was going to set the world record tonight. How could he produce such a result after rounds when he'd never run that fast before? Microdosing is a very real possibility. Never say never with anyone.
Yeah he ran today scared. Certainly if you found out your coach was raided that might be what you do.