So the rumors all these years about Travis Tygart and the USADA intentionally hiding positive PED tests of American dopers are true, WADA found out about some of them and clearly does not like Travis Tygart......
So the rumors all these years about Travis Tygart and the USADA intentionally hiding positive PED tests of American dopers are true, WADA found out about some of them and clearly does not like Travis Tygart......
26 tue rupp, roid chacne centro, roid rage rowbury
Galen Rupp has got to be one of the dopers that is in Travis Tygart's pocket and who's tests get wiped clean by the USADA. No way there has been exactly zero positive tests for Rupp being the most tested American athlete all these years
In one case, an elite level athlete, who competed at Olympic qualifier and international events in the United States, admitted to taking steroids and EPO yet was permitted to continue competing all the way up to retirement. Their case was never published, results never disqualified, prize money never returned, and no suspension ever served. The athlete was allowed to line up against their unknowing competitors as if they had never cheated.
ok now that they have retired, tell us who it is.
Call me crazy - could this be Lopez Lomong? He retired exceptionally quietly, almost fell of the face of the earth a few years back. Always found it a bit strange. Of course, he actually qualified for the Olympics... hope the name comes out some day
It's the TITAN that never fell!
Interesting in theory, but if athletes were covered up and reuters knows who, they are just continuing the cover up.
Imagine you're an athlete from another country hearing that some US athletes are doped to the gills and have still been allowed to compete against you at meets with USADA's blessing.
WADA and USADA both corrupt to the core.
Release names or stop posting this clickbait BS
We do have a name: Travis Tygart. Just give him a lifetime ban
It’s not a distance runner. It’s obviously a sprinter during the Jon Drummond/Tyson Gay fiasco.
USADA used a low level sprinter of the group to catch the big fish.
It’s the same strategy they used to get Lance.
Whether you agree or disagree with the tactic, it’s not the big revelation WADA makes it appear to be. It’s a choice, just like drug agencies use the low level user or dealer to get the big one. Same thing occurred here.
You are talking hot air. USADA did not do any of the real work to catch Lance since Betsy Andreu had already been accusing and naming names and details for many years. And with Lance, it was very well known that all his team mates are dopers. Floyd Landis squealed like a pig because he got caught at the Tour de France and not because of Travis Tygart. Here, Tygart actually allowed proven American dopers to continue doping and compete for medals and keep prize money and sponsorships and won't even tell us who.
My first thought was Gatlin, but he was suspended for a while, no?
In hindsight, it makes a lot of sense now when Travis Tygart said he wouldn’t have suspended Shelburito.
Would it have been worth it to let Shelby continue doping and winning in order to get her to snitch on Jerry and BTC?
This cant continue. Look at some of this years winners and how they obviously try to keep inside the US and the protection of USADA.
I'm no fan of WADA, but USADA actually needs to explain itself instead of putting out lawyerish press releases with a bunch of whataboutism to change the subject.
I can't see any situation in which USADA would be justified to allow a doping athlete to continue competing.
Did he actually ever say that? Source? I recall he said it wasn't in the burrito, and wondered whether it was in the supplements (what Shelby excluded as possibility).
Only some? id say hundreds,if not more. USA is much worse than russia ever was.
There are three guys here who are always screaming of Kenyans/Ethiopians and East africans (in general) of doping.
They are curiously quiet.