LRC Note. This thread was started the day before the race. The race is now over. Here is our recap.
Pro teams line up tomorrow (Wednesday) at Stony Creek Park in Michigan 1:00 PM in Michigan.
Who do you think will win the team title and individual legs? Teams made up of 3 women and 3 men (5km, 6km, 10km).
It’s a great concept. Hopefully it will grow in the years to come. Maybe have it a different time of day would help with fan support? International team category as well as American team category? Any other suggestions for improvement?
We're making this the official thread. You can watch here:
Hansons Brooks
Zach Panning
Daniel Soto
Ben Kendell
Natosha Rogers
Amy Davis
Kathryn Munks
Team Boulder
Akis Medrano
Chase Wavering
Jake Riley
Carrie Verdon
Ericka Waterman
Melissa Dock
Team Roots
Aidan Reed
Frank Lara
Sydney Gidabuday
Alia Gray
Lexi Zeis
Maggie Montoya
Minnesota Distance Elite
Joel Reichow
Josh Yeager
Colin Abert
Dakotah Lindwurm
Annie Frisbie
Emi Trost
NAZ Elite
Scott Fauble
Sid Vaughn
Nick Hauger
Katie Wasserman
Dani Shanahan
Lauren Paquette
Ben Bruce
Bowerman Track Club
Woody Kincaid
Thomas Ratcliffe
Grant Fisher
Courtney Frerichs
Vanessa Fraser
Elise Cranny